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Created August 1, 2024 12:35
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import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LogbackServiceProvider
import org.slf4j.spi.{MDCAdapter, SLF4JServiceProvider}
import org.slf4j.{ILoggerFactory, IMarkerFactory, LoggerFactory, MDC}
import ox.{ForkLocal, pipe, tap}
/** Provides support for MDC which is inheritable across (virtual) threads. Only MDC values set using the [[where]] method will be
* inherited; this method also defines the scope, within which the provided MDC values are available.
* The semantics of [[MDC.put]] are unchanged: values set using this method will only be visible in the original thread. That is because
* the "usual" [[MDC]] usage is unstructured, and we don't want to set values for the entire scope (which might exceed the calling thread).
* Internally, a [[ForkLocal]] (backed by a ScopedValue) is used, to store the scoped context.
* Prior to using inheritable MDCs, the [[init]] method has to be called. This performs some operations using the reflection API, to
* substitute Logback's MDC support with one that is scope-aware.
object InheritableMDC extends Logging:
private[logging] val currentContext: ForkLocal[Option[MDCAdapter]] = ForkLocal(None)
/** Set the given MDC key `k` to `v`, for the duration of evaluating `f`. In other words, creates a new scope, within which these values
* are available.
* @note
* Within `f`, no forks in external [[ox.Ox]] contexts should be created, as this will lead to runtime exceptions. To create forks, a
* new scope (using e.g. [[ox.supervised]]) has to be created first.
def where[T](k: String, v: String)(f: => T): T =
// unwrapping the MDC adapter, so that we get the "target" one; using DelegateToCurrentMDCAdapter would lead to
// infinite loops when delegating
val currentAdapter = MDC.getMDCAdapter.asInstanceOf[DelegateToCurrentMDCAdapter].currentAdapter()
currentContext.unsupervisedWhere(Some(new ScopedMDCAdapter(Map(k -> v), currentAdapter)))(f)
/** Initialise inheritable MDCs. Must be called as early in the app's code as possible. */
lazy val init: Unit =
// Obtaining the current provider, to replace it later with our implementation returning the correct MDCAdapter.
val getProviderMethod = classOf[LoggerFactory].getDeclaredMethod("getProvider")
getProviderMethod.invoke(null) match {
case currentProvider: LogbackServiceProvider =>
// Creating and setting the correct MDCAdapter on the LoggerContext; this is used internally by Logback to
// obtain the MDC values.
val ctx = currentProvider.getLoggerFactory.asInstanceOf[LoggerContext]
val scopedValuedMDCAdapter = new DelegateToCurrentMDCAdapter(ctx.getMDCAdapter)
// Second, we need to override the provider so that its .getMDCAdapter method returns our instance. This is used
// when setting/clearing the MDC values. Whether in a scope or not, this will delegate to the "root" MDCAdapter,
// because of ScopedMDCAdapter's implementation.
val providerField = classOf[LoggerFactory].getDeclaredField("PROVIDER")
providerField.set(null, new OverrideMDCAdapterDelegateProvider(currentProvider, scopedValuedMDCAdapter))"Scoped-value based MDC initialized")
case currentProvider =>
logger.warn(s"A non-Logback SLF4J provider ($currentProvider) is being used, unable to initialize scoped-value based MDC")
end init
end InheritableMDC
private class OverrideMDCAdapterDelegateProvider(delegate: SLF4JServiceProvider, mdcAdapter: MDCAdapter) extends SLF4JServiceProvider:
override def getMDCAdapter: MDCAdapter = mdcAdapter
override def getLoggerFactory: ILoggerFactory = delegate.getLoggerFactory
override def getMarkerFactory: IMarkerFactory = delegate.getMarkerFactory
override def getRequestedApiVersion: String = delegate.getRequestedApiVersion
override def initialize(): Unit = delegate.initialize()
/** An [[MDCAdapter]] which delegates to a [[ScopedMDCAdapter]] if one is available, or falls back to the root one otherwise. */
private class DelegateToCurrentMDCAdapter(rootAdapter: MDCAdapter) extends MDCAdapter:
def currentAdapter(): MDCAdapter = InheritableMDC.currentContext.get().getOrElse(rootAdapter)
override def put(key: String, `val`: String): Unit = currentAdapter().put(key, `val`)
override def get(key: String): String = currentAdapter().get(key)
override def remove(key: String): Unit = currentAdapter().remove(key)
override def clear(): Unit = currentAdapter().clear()
override def getCopyOfContextMap: java.util.Map[String, String] = currentAdapter().getCopyOfContextMap
override def setContextMap(contextMap: java.util.Map[String, String]): Unit = currentAdapter().setContextMap(contextMap)
override def pushByKey(key: String, value: String): Unit = currentAdapter().pushByKey(key, value)
override def popByKey(key: String): String = currentAdapter().popByKey(key)
override def getCopyOfDequeByKey(key: String): java.util.Deque[String] = currentAdapter().getCopyOfDequeByKey(key)
override def clearDequeByKey(key: String): Unit = currentAdapter().clearDequeByKey(key)
/** An [[MDCAdapter]] that is used within a structured scope. Stores an (immutable) map of values that are set within this scope. All other
* operations are delegated to the parent adapter (might be either another scoped, or the root Logback, adapter).
private class ScopedMDCAdapter(mdcValues: Map[String, String], delegate: MDCAdapter) extends MDCAdapter:
override def get(key: String): String = mdcValues.getOrElse(key, delegate.get(key))
override def getCopyOfContextMap: java.util.Map[String, String] =
.pipe(v => if v == null then new java.util.HashMap() else new java.util.HashMap[String, String](v))
.tap(copy => mdcValues.foreach((k, v) => copy.put(k, v)))
override def put(key: String, `val`: String): Unit = delegate.put(key, `val`)
override def remove(key: String): Unit = delegate.remove(key)
override def clear(): Unit = delegate.clear()
override def setContextMap(contextMap: java.util.Map[String, String]): Unit = delegate.setContextMap(contextMap)
override def pushByKey(key: String, value: String): Unit = delegate.pushByKey(key, value)
override def popByKey(key: String): String = delegate.popByKey(key)
override def getCopyOfDequeByKey(key: String): java.util.Deque[String] = delegate.getCopyOfDequeByKey(key)
override def clearDequeByKey(key: String): Unit = delegate.clearDequeByKey(key)
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