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Last active July 19, 2024 12:20
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Simple Wrapper for Unity Playables API
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using MEC; // Uses More Effective Coroutines from the Unity Asset Store
public class AnimationSystem {
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
readonly AnimationMixerPlayable topLevelMixer;
readonly AnimationMixerPlayable locomotionMixer;
AnimationClipPlayable oneShotPlayable;
CoroutineHandle blendInHandle;
CoroutineHandle blendOutHandle;
public AnimationSystem(Animator animator, AnimationClip idleClip, AnimationClip walkClip) {
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create("AnimationSystem");
AnimationPlayableOutput playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Animation", animator);
topLevelMixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, 2);
locomotionMixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, 2);
topLevelMixer.ConnectInput(0, locomotionMixer, 0);
playableGraph.GetRootPlayable(0).SetInputWeight(0, 1f);
AnimationClipPlayable idlePlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, idleClip);
AnimationClipPlayable walkPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, walkClip);
idlePlayable.GetAnimationClip().wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
walkPlayable.GetAnimationClip().wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
locomotionMixer.ConnectInput(0, idlePlayable, 0);
locomotionMixer.ConnectInput(1, walkPlayable, 0);
public void UpdateLocomotion(Vector3 velocity, float maxSpeed) {
float weight = Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, maxSpeed, velocity.magnitude);
locomotionMixer.SetInputWeight(0, 1f - weight);
locomotionMixer.SetInputWeight(1, weight);
public void PlayOneShot(AnimationClip oneShotClip) {
if (oneShotPlayable.IsValid() && oneShotPlayable.GetAnimationClip() == oneShotClip) return;
oneShotPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, oneShotClip);
topLevelMixer.ConnectInput(1, oneShotPlayable, 0);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(1, 1f);
// Calculate blendDuration as 10% of clip length,
// but ensure that it's not less than 0.1f or more than half the clip length
float blendDuration = Mathf.Clamp(oneShotClip.length * 0.1f, 0.1f, oneShotClip.length * 0.5f);
BlendOut(blendDuration, oneShotClip.length - blendDuration);
void BlendIn(float duration) {
blendInHandle = Timing.RunCoroutine(Blend(duration, blendTime => {
float weight = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, blendTime);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(0, weight);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(1, 1f - weight);
void BlendOut(float duration, float delay) {
blendOutHandle = Timing.RunCoroutine(Blend(duration, blendTime => {
float weight = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, blendTime);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(0, weight);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(1, 1f - weight);
}, delay, DisconnectOneShot));
IEnumerator<float> Blend(float duration, Action<float> blendCallback, float delay = 0f, Action finishedCallback = null) {
if (delay > 0f) {
yield return Timing.WaitForSeconds(delay);
float blendTime = 0f;
while (blendTime < 1f) {
blendTime += Time.deltaTime / duration;
yield return blendTime;
void InterruptOneShot() {
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(0, 1f);
topLevelMixer.SetInputWeight(1, 0f);
if (oneShotPlayable.IsValid()) {
void DisconnectOneShot() {
public void Destroy() {
if (playableGraph.IsValid()) {
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