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Created March 25, 2015 10:54
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addComment: function(commentStuff) {
var user = Meteor.user();
var submittedDate;
if (Meteor.isClient){
submittedDate = TimeSync.serverTime();
} else {
submittedDate = new Date().getTime();
comment = _.extend(_.pick(commentStuff, 'message','parentID'), {
userID: user._id,
author: gGetUserNameByID(user._id),
submitted: submittedDate,
_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID()._str
comment._id = Comments.insert(comment);
// now create a notification, informing the user that there's been a comment
createCommentNotification(comment,parentResourceID, truncatedText ); // this does a push notification
//the folllowing updates the count on the parent topic"updateResourceCommentCount",commentStuff.parentID, function(error){
if (error){
throwError("Error updating comment count");
});"updateUpdatedDate", parentResourceID);
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