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Last active January 19, 2021 21:51
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from collections import defaultdict
def getAdjList(numNodes, fromList, toList):
adjList = [[] for _ in range(numNodes + 1)]
for u, v in zip(fromList, toList):
return adjList
at: Current Node that I am at
parent: Node from which I came (used to eliminate bidirectional cycles)
partial: array that stores path up to this point. (used to check size of cycle).
adjList: The graph
visited: Boolean Visited Array (used to check for cycle)
# Explores up to a depth of 3. Then on the third, we check to see if it forms a cycle.
def visit(at, parent, partial, adjList, visited, allTrios):
# Unit of work to be done at this node
visited[at] = True
# Explore all neighbors
for to in adjList[at]:
# Skip bidirectional cycle.
# Removing cycle of length 2.
if to == parent:
# If currDepth is 3, then ONLY check for cycle.
if len(partial) == 3:
if visited[to]:
# Partial is less than 3.
visit(to, at, partial, adjList, visited, allTrios)
# Backtracking work to be done
visited[at] = False
def getTrios(numNodes, fromList, toList):
adjList = getAdjList(numNodes, fromList, toList)
visited = [False] * (numNodes + 1)
allTrios = set()
for node in range(1, numNodes + 1):
if not visited[node]:
visit(node, -1, [], adjList, visited, allTrios)
return allTrios, adjList
def getCycles(numNodes, fromList, toList):
allTrios, adjList = getTrios(numNodes, fromList, toList)
# print('allTrios', list(allTrios))
globalMin = float('inf')
for trio in allTrios:
minScore = -6
for num in trio:
minScore += len(adjList[num])
globalMin = min(globalMin, minScore)
return globalMin if globalMin != float('inf') else -1
tests = [
"numNodes": 6,
"fromList": [1,2,2,3,4,5],
"toList": [2,4,5,5,5,6],
"ans": 3
"numNodes": 5,
"fromList": [1,1,2,2,3,4],
"toList": [2,3,3,4,4,5],
"ans": 2
for test in tests:
ans = getCycles(test["numNodes"], test["fromList"], test["toList"])
assert(ans == test["ans"])
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