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Adam Florin adamflorin

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Umity / CIFilter+Extension.swift
Created August 30, 2018 21:26 — forked from ha1f/CIFilter+Extension.swift
// Created by はるふ on 2017/12/11.
// Copyright © 2017年 ha1f. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreImage
import AVFoundation
extension CIFilter {
sminogue / gist:b20bc6c270e5784d781d3f719c81dec5
Last active August 14, 2018 23:47
using jsfeat find lines in image using canny and hough
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context2d = canvas.getContext('2d');
context2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
var imageData = context2d.getImageData(0, 0, pageMeta.width, pageMeta.height);
var img_u8 = new jsfeat.matrix_t(pageMeta.width, pageMeta.height, jsfeat.U8C1_t);
jsfeat.imgproc.grayscale(, pageMeta.width, pageMeta.height, img_u8);
var r = 2;
var kernel_size = (r + 1) << 1;
glombard /
Created November 3, 2014 18:48
Setting up Apparix for directory bookmarks on Mac OS X
brew install -v apparix
# Installed to: /opt/foo/Cellar/apparix/11-0/bin/apparix
# Add bm/to Bash functions from man page to .bashrc or .local.bash:
man -P cat apparix | awk '/BASH-style functions/{p=1} /---/{if(p==1)p=2; else p=0; next} p>1{print}' >> ~/.local.bash
# Reload my bash config:
source ~/.local.bash
# Now create a bookmark:
neilmendoza / gist:4512992
Last active June 9, 2023 14:22
Function to return matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axis in GLSL.
mat4 rotationMatrix(vec3 axis, float angle)
axis = normalize(axis);
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
float oc = 1.0 - c;
return mat4(oc * axis.x * axis.x + c, oc * axis.x * axis.y - axis.z * s, oc * axis.z * axis.x + axis.y * s, 0.0,
oc * axis.x * axis.y + axis.z * s, oc * axis.y * axis.y + c, oc * axis.y * axis.z - axis.x * s, 0.0,
oc * axis.z * axis.x - axis.y * s, oc * axis.y * axis.z + axis.x * s, oc * axis.z * axis.z + c, 0.0,
gre / easing.js
Last active September 21, 2024 22:06
Simple Easing Functions in Javascript - see
* This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
* as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.
* Easing Functions - inspired from
* only considering the t value for the range [0, 1] => [0, 1]
EasingFunctions = {
lancejpollard /
Created October 23, 2011 05:25
ruby methods for coffeescript
moduleKeywords = ['included', 'extended', 'prototype']
class Class
# Rename an instance method
# ``` coffeescript
# class User
# @alias "methods", "instance_methods"
# ```
gotascii / Cakefile
Created September 14, 2011 13:35
Node in Max/MSP
# Compile the coffee in bare joined mode.
{exec, spawn} = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs'
util = require 'util'
print = (data) ->
console.log data.trimRight()
task 'build', 'Compile Coffeescript to Javascript', ->
aliang / mymodel.rb
Created June 13, 2011 06:25
render from model in Rails 3
# yes, sometimes you need to do this. you get pilloried in a forum if you
# ask about it, though!
# this code taken from
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
# Use the my_models/_my_model.txt.erb view to render this object as a string
def to_s
darktable / app.yaml
Created March 16, 2011 19:10
GAE: App.yaml designed for serving a static site on Google App Engine (Python). Copy your static html and files into a folder called "static" next to app.yaml. Contains a bunch of mimetype declarations from html5boilerplate's .htaccess. May not be neces
application: you-app-name-here
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
default_expiration: "30d"
- url: /(.*\.(appcache|manifest))
mime_type: text/cache-manifest