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Last active March 7, 2022 15:17
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  • Save adamalbers/9e889e94e808f4bc5267d5c1bfea06b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Quarantines any emails using $blockedCharsets
# Supported charsets:
$allowedCharsets = @('UTF-8','US-ASCII','ISO-8859-1','WINDOWS-1252')
$blockedCharsetWords = @('big5','euc','gb','iso','koi','ks','ns','sen','shift','windows')
New-TransportRule -Name "Block Abnormal Charsets" -ContentCharacterSetContainsWords $blockedCharsetWords -ExceptIfContentCharacterSetContainsWords $allowedCharsets -Quarantine $true -Priority 0
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