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Angular Dart Check List

The following shows what to watch out for when making Angular Dart applications. For more information about Angular Dart, see

Table Of Contents


Table of Contents


  • Provide ng-app attribute in html element

    <html ng-app>
  • Add shadow_dom.min.js and dart.js scripts into html

    <script src="packages/shadow_dom/shadow_dom.min.js"></script>
    <script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>


  • Import the angular dart library

    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
  • Provide the temporary fix using the Mirrors annotation

    import 'dart:mirrors';
  • Call ngBootstrap method in main

    void main {


Table of Contents


@NgController Annotation

  • Put the @NgController annotation before the class declaration

    @NgController (
    class MyControllerClass {
  • Define the selector and publishAs attributes to the @NgController annotation

    @NgController (
        selector: '...',
        publishAs: '...'
  • Put the selector name in brackets

    @NgController (
        selector: '[mycontroller]'
  • Provide name of publishAs to be referenced from html

    @NgController (
        selector: '...',
        publishAs: 'ctrl'

Define Module

  • Define an extending Module class
    class MyModule extends Module {
  • Provide your extending Module class into the type method in its constructor
    class MyModule extends Module {
        MyModule() {
  • Call extending Module class's constructor in ngBootstrap method call
    ngBootstrap(module: new MyModule());

Data Binding

  • Provide the @NgOneWay, @NgTwoWay, or @NgAttr annotation before the property

    int value;  // Can be any type.
    int value;  // Can be any type.
    String value; // String only.


  • Provide controller selector in parent HTML element

    <div mycontroller></div>
  • Reference property or method in {{}} as member of publishAs annotation of controller

    <input ng-model="{{}}">
    <button ng-click="{{ctrl.method()}}">Click Me</button>


Table of Contents


@NgComponent Annotation

  • Put the @NgComponent annotation before the class declaration

    @NgComponent (
    class MyComponentClass {
  • Define the selector, templateUrl, cssUrl, and publishAs attributes to the @NgComponent annotation

    @NgComponent (
        selector: 'mycomponentselector',
        templateUrl: 'path/to/component/html',
        cssUrl: 'path/to/component/css',
        publishAs: 'cmp'
  • Add reference to Component class in type call of extended Module class constructor

    class MyModule extends Module {
        MyModule() {


  • Declare component selector as element name in HTML

    <html ng-app>
        <mycomponentselector ...></mycomponentselector>


Table of Contents

  • Add @NgInjectableService() annotation before the class definition of the service

    class MyService {
  • Call service methods from Controller

    MyService ns;
    void someMethod {
  • Add service class name to type call of extended Module class constructor

    class MyModule extends Module {


Table of Contents


  • Provide @NgFilter annotation before class definition

    @NgFilter(name: '...')
    class MyFilter {
  • Provide selector name to @NgFilter annotation

    @NgFilter(name: 'myfilter')
  • Register custom Filter class to extended Module class constructor

    class MyModule extends Module {
        MyModule() {


  • Provide filter selector name to value subjected to filtering

    <input value="{{ctrl.value | myfilter}}">
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