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Created December 9, 2019 17:42
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# Docker
alias dc="docker-compose"
# Aliases to code folders
alias cde="cd ~/Code"
alias fees="cd ~/Code/consumer-fees"
# Golang
# alias go="richgo"
# Postgres
alias db-connections="ps -ef | grep postgres"
# Environmental
alias es="exec $SHELL"
#alias ls="colorls -lA --sd"
# Shortcuts
alias g="git"
alias gst="git status"
alias last-branch="git checkout -"
alias undo-last-commit="git reset --soft HEAD~1"
# Rails specific
alias be="bundle exec"
# Git specific
alias clean-files="git clean -f -d"
alias new-branch="git checkout -b"
alias recent-branches="git branch --sort=-committerdate"
alias za="vim ~/.aliases"
alias gs="git status"
alias tmux-kill-all="pkill -f tmux"
alias ls="colorls -lA --sd"
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