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Created January 4, 2021 02:10
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The map[string]interface implementing XMLMarshaller
package xml_marshallable_map
// XMLMarshallableMap contains nestable data and implements
// XMLMarshaller. The actual type of interface{} part must be string or
// map[string]interface{}. The fields are sorted in alphabetical
// order and encoded.
type XMLMarshallableMap map[string]interface{}
func (m XMLMarshallableMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
return err
var keys []string
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
childStart := xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: k}}
switch v := m[k].(type) {
case string:
if err := e.EncodeElement(v, childStart); err != nil {
return err
case map[string]interface{}:
if err := XMLMarshallableMap(v).MarshalXML(e, childStart); err != nil {
return err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("the type of value of parameters must be string or map[string]interface{}, but %+v", v))
return e.EncodeToken(start.End())
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