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Forked from kristopherjohnson/hexdump.swift
Last active January 23, 2023 23:40
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Swift: Generate hex dumps for arrays/sequences of bytes.
// hexdump.swift
// This file contains library functions for generating hex dumps.
// The functions intended for client use are
// - `printHexDumpForBytes(_:)`
// - `printHexDumpForStandardInput()`
// - `hexDumpStringForBytes(_:)`
// - `logHexDumpForBytes(_:)`
// The `forEachHexDumpLineForBytes(_:, processLine:)` function is available
// to implement hex dumps to other types of input sources and output
// destinations, and other lower-level functions are available to construct
// different formats of hex-dump output.
import Cocoa
/// Split a sequence into equal-size chunks and process each chunk.
/// Each chunk will have the specified number of elements, except for the last chunk,
/// which will be as long as necessary for the remainder of the data.
/// - parameters:
/// - sequence: Sequence of data elements.
/// - perChunkCount: Number of elements in each chunk.
/// - processChunk: Function that takes an offset into the data and array of data elements.
public func forEachChunkOfSequence<S : Sequence>(sequence: S, perChunkCount: Int, processChunk: (Int, [S.Iterator.Element]) -> ())
var offset = 0
var chunk = Array<S.Iterator.Element>()
for element in sequence {
if chunk.count == perChunkCount {
processChunk(offset, chunk)
offset += perChunkCount
if chunk.count > 0 {
processChunk(offset, chunk)
/// Get hex representation of a byte.
/// - parameter byte: A `UInt8` value.
/// - returns: A two-character `String` of hex digits, with leading zero if necessary.
public func hexStringForByte(byte: UInt8) -> String {
return String(format: "%02x", UInt(byte))
/// Get hex representation of an array of bytes.
/// - parameter bytes: A sequence of `UInt8` values.
/// - returns: A `String` of hex codes separated by spaces.
public func hexStringForBytes<S: Sequence>(bytes: S) -> String where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
return " ")
/// Get printable representation of character.
/// - parameter byte: A `UInt8` value.
/// - returns: A one-character `String` containing the printable representation, or "." if it is not printable.
public func printableCharacterForByte(byte: UInt8) -> String {
return (isprint(Int32(byte)) != 0) ? String(UnicodeScalar(byte)) : "."
/// Get printable representation of an array of characters.
/// - parameter bytes: A sequence of `UInt8` values.
/// - returns: A `String` of characters containing the printable representations of the input bytes.
public func printableTextForBytes<S: Sequence>(
bytes: S
) -> String where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
return "")
/// Count of bytes printed per row in a hex dump.
public let HexBytesPerRow = 16
/// Generate hex-dump output line for a row of data.
/// Each line is a string consisting of an offset, hex representation
/// of the bytes, and printable ASCII representation. There is no
/// end-of-line character included.
/// - parameters:
/// - offset: Numeric offset into the input data sequence.
/// - bytes: Sequence of `UInt8` values to be hex-dumped for this line.
/// - returns: A `String` with the format described above.
public func hexDumpLineForOffset<S: Sequence>(
offset: Int,
bytes: S
) -> String where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
let hex = hexStringForBytes(bytes: bytes)
let paddedHex = String(format: "%-47s", NSString(string: hex).utf8String!)
let printable = printableTextForBytes(bytes: bytes)
return String(format: "%08x %@ %@", offset, paddedHex, printable)
/// Given a sequence of bytes, generate a series of hex-dump lines.
/// - parameters:
/// - bytes: Sequence of `UInt8` values to be hex-dumped.
/// - processLine: Function to be invoked for each generated line.
public func forEachHexDumpLineForBytes<S: Sequence>( bytes: S, processLine: @escaping (String) -> ()) where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
forEachChunkOfSequence(sequence: bytes, perChunkCount: HexBytesPerRow) { offset, chunk in
let line = hexDumpLineForOffset(offset: offset, bytes: chunk)
/// Dump a sequence of bytes as hex to standard output.
/// - parameter bytes: Sequence of `UInt8` values to be hex-dumped.
public func printHexDumpForBytes<S: Sequence>(bytes: S) where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
forEachHexDumpLineForBytes(bytes: bytes) { print($0) }
/// Print hex dump for standard input to standard output.
public func printHexDumpForStandardInput() {
let standardInputAsUInt8Sequence = AnyIterator { () -> UInt8? in
let ch = getchar()
return (ch == EOF) ? nil : UInt8(ch)
printHexDumpForBytes(bytes: standardInputAsUInt8Sequence)
/// Dump a sequence of bytes to a `String`.
/// - parameter bytes: Sequence of `UInt8` values to be hex-dumped.
/// - returns: A `String`, which may contain newlines.
public func hexDumpStringForBytes<S: Sequence>(bytes: S) -> String where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
var s = ""
forEachHexDumpLineForBytes(bytes: bytes) { s += $0 + "\n" }
return s
/// Dump a sequence of bytes to the log.
/// - parameter bytes: Sequence of `UInt8` values to be hex-dumped.
public func logHexDumpForBytes<S: Sequence>(bytes: S) where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8
forEachHexDumpLineForBytes(bytes: bytes) { NSLog("%@", $0) }
// MARK:- Tests
let testString = "This is test data for my hex-dump code.\nIt has two lines.\n"
let testData = [UInt8](testString.utf8)
print("Test printHexDumpForBytes:")
print("Test hexDumpStringForBytes:")
// Test printHexDumpForBytes:
// 00000000 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 65 73 74 20 64 61 74 This is test dat
// 00000010 61 20 66 6f 72 20 6d 79 20 68 65 78 2d 64 75 6d a for my hex-dum
// 00000020 70 20 63 6f 64 65 2e 0a 49 74 20 68 61 73 20 74 p code..It has t
// 00000030 77 6f 20 6c 69 6e 65 73 2e 0a wo lines..
// Test hexDumpStringForBytes:
// 00000000 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 65 73 74 20 64 61 74 This is test dat
// 00000010 61 20 66 6f 72 20 6d 79 20 68 65 78 2d 64 75 6d a for my hex-dum
// 00000020 70 20 63 6f 64 65 2e 0a 49 74 20 68 61 73 20 74 p code..It has t
// 00000030 77 6f 20 6c 69 6e 65 73 2e 0a wo lines..
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