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Created December 23, 2014 18:32
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# Cast is the old database, Client is the new...
Cast.all.each do |cast|
{ id:,
family_id: cast.family_id,
family_member_id: cast.member_id,
first_name: cast.voornaam,
last_name: cast.achternaam,
middle_name: cast.tussenvoegsels,
gender: cast.geslacht == 'male' ? 1 : cast.geslacht == 'female' ? 2 : 0,
born_on: (Date.parse(cast.geboorte_datum) rescue Date.parse('19000101')),
hair_color_id: HAIR[cast.kleur_haar] || 8,
eye_color_id: EYES[cast.kleur_ogen] || 4,
length: cast.lengte.to_f < 3 ? (cast.lengte.to_f*100).to_i : cast.lengte.to_i,
wup: (cast.maat_wup.gsub(/[0-9]/,'').to_s.upcase rescue ''),
first_date: ((Date.parse(cast.datum_first) rescue Date.parse(cast.registration_date)) rescue Date.parse('19000101')),
}, without_protection: true)
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