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Ars Magica-like Card Game - Generated by ChatGPT
Animal Animal The form dealing with animals and animal products.
Air Auram The form dealing with air, weather, and gases.
Body Corpus The form dealing with the human body.
Mind Mentem The form dealing with thoughts, emotions, and mental processes.
Fire Ignem The form dealing with fire and heat.
Water Aquam The form dealing with water and liquids.
Earth Terram The form dealing with earth and minerals.
Plant Herbam The form dealing with plants and plant products.
Metal Metallum The form dealing with metals and ores.
Spirit Spiritus The form dealing with spirits and ethereal entities.
Magic Magia The form dealing with raw magical energy.
Darkness Tenebris The form dealing with shadows and darkness.
Light Lux The form dealing with light and illumination.
Sound Sonus The form dealing with sound and vibration.
Force Vis The form dealing with physical forces.
Time Tempus The form dealing with the flow of time.
Space Spatium The form dealing with spatial manipulation.
Dreams Somnium The form dealing with dreams and the dream realm.
Emotions Affectus The form dealing with emotions and feelings.
Knowledge Scientia The form dealing with knowledge and wisdom.
Illusion Illusio The form dealing with illusions and mirages.
Shadow Umbra The form dealing with shadows and shade.
Life Vita The form dealing with life force and vitality.
Death Mors The form dealing with death and decay.
Energy Energia The form dealing with pure energy.
Ether Aether The form dealing with the ethereal plane.
Chaos Chaos The form dealing with disorder and randomness.
Order Ordo The form dealing with structure and harmony.
Dreams Somnium The form dealing with dreams and visions.
Fear Timor The form dealing with fear and terror.
Luck Fortuna The form dealing with fortune and chance.
Memory Memoria The form dealing with memories and the past.
Will Voluntas The form dealing with willpower and determination.
Health Sanitas The form dealing with health and wellness.
Disease Morbus The form dealing with sickness and illness.
Strength Robur The form dealing with physical strength and endurance.
Weakness Imbecillitas The form dealing with frailty and weakness.
Wisdom Sapientia The form dealing with wisdom and insight.
Folly Stultitia The form dealing with foolishness and ignorance.
Peace Pax The form dealing with tranquility and calm.
Swift Celeriter The modifier indicating speed or quickness.
Powerful Potenter The modifier indicating strength or potency.
Subtle Subtiliter The modifier indicating finesse or delicacy.
Loud Clamiter The modifier indicating loudness or intensity.
Silent Taciter The modifier indicating quietness or stealth.
Bright Clariter The modifier indicating brightness or clarity.
Dark Tenebriter The modifier indicating darkness or obscurity.
Gentle Leniter The modifier indicating gentleness or mildness.
Fierce Ferveo The modifier indicating ferocity or intensity.
Durable Durabiliter The modifier indicating endurance or lasting quality.
Quick Velociter The modifier indicating swiftness or rapidity.
Heavy Graviter The modifier indicating heaviness or weight.
Light Leviter The modifier indicating lightness or lack of weight.
Cold Frigiter The modifier indicating coldness or chill.
Hot Caliditer The modifier indicating heat or warmth.
Sharp Acuter The modifier indicating sharpness or keenness.
Blunt Obtusiter The modifier indicating bluntness or dullness.
Fragile Fragiliter The modifier indicating fragility or delicacy.
Resilient Resilio The modifier indicating resilience or toughness.
Precise Preciso The modifier indicating precision or accuracy.
Vague Vago The modifier indicating vagueness or ambiguity.
Pure Puriter The modifier indicating purity or cleanliness.
Corrupt Corrumpiter The modifier indicating corruption or impurity.
Safe Salviter The modifier indicating safety or security.
Dangerous Periculositer The modifier indicating danger or risk.
Hidden Latenter The modifier indicating concealment or secrecy.
Exposed Exposito The modifier indicating exposure or openness.
Agile Agileter The modifier indicating agility or nimbleness.
Clumsy Inepto The modifier indicating clumsiness or awkwardness.
Intense Intense The modifier indicating intensity or extremeness.
Mild Molliter The modifier indicating mildness or softness.
Elaborate Elaboro The modifier indicating complexity or intricacy.
Simple Simplex The modifier indicating simplicity or straightforwardness.
Enormous Enormiter The modifier indicating great size or magnitude.
Tiny Minuter The modifier indicating small size or minuteness.
Calm Placiditer The modifier indicating calmness or tranquility.
Turbulent Turbulenter The modifier indicating disturbance or agitation.
Harmonious Harmoniter The modifier indicating harmony or concord.
Chaotic Chaotiter The modifier indicating disorder or randomness.
Radiant Radiante The modifier indicating brilliance or luminosity.
Create Creo The technique of bringing something into existence or enhancing its qualities.
Perceive Intellego The technique of perceiving or understanding the nature of things.
Change Muto The technique of transforming or changing the properties of something.
Destroy Perdo The technique of destroying or deteriorating something.
Control Rego The technique of controlling or directing the actions of something.
Heal Sano The technique of restoring health and healing injuries.
Know Cognosco The technique of acquiring knowledge and information.
Protect Tego The technique of providing protection and shielding.
Travel Vado The technique of moving or transporting things.
Illuminate Lumino The technique of producing or enhancing light.
Weave Texti The technique of weaving or interlacing materials.
Fortify Fortio The technique of strengthening or fortifying.
Summon Evoco The technique of calling forth or summoning entities.
Banish Expello The technique of expelling or banishing entities.
Transform Transformo The technique of altering the shape or nature of something.
Bind Vincio The technique of binding or restraining.
Release Solvo The technique of freeing or releasing.
Conceal Occulto The technique of hiding or concealing.
Reveal Revelo The technique of uncovering or revealing.
Enchant Enchantio The technique of imbuing objects with magical properties.
Dispel Dispellio The technique of nullifying or dispelling magic.
Animate Animo The technique of bringing inanimate objects to life.
Stun Stupeo The technique of stunning or incapacitating.
Empower Potentio The technique of enhancing magical power.
Weaken Debilito The technique of weakening or reducing power.
Purify Purifico The technique of cleansing and purifying.
Corrupt Corrumpo The technique of corrupting or defiling.
Connect Coniungo The technique of linking or connecting entities.
Separate Separo The technique of dividing or separating.
Invoke Invoco The technique of calling upon higher powers.
Suppress Supprimo The technique of suppressing or controlling magic.
Project Proicio The technique of projecting force or energy.
Absorb Absorbo The technique of absorbing energy or magic.
Reflect Reflecto The technique of reflecting or deflecting magic.
Shape Formo The technique of shaping or molding materials.
Extract Extraho The technique of extracting essence or components.
Infuse Infundo The technique of infusing objects with magical properties.
Solidify Solidifico The technique of solidifying liquids or gases.
Melt Liquefacio The technique of melting solids.
Distill Distillo The technique of refining or distilling substances.

In a Dungeon World-based tabletop RPG, the use of techniques, forms, and modifiers as part of a limited magic system can be integrated through a card-based mechanic. Here’s how this system might work:

Card Types

  1. Technique Cards: Represent different magical techniques (e.g., Create, Perceive, Change). Each card describes what the technique can achieve.
  2. Form Cards: Represent the different forms or elements the magic interacts with (e.g., Animal, Air, Body). Each card describes the form's scope.
  3. Modifier Cards: Represent modifiers that enhance or specify the effects of the techniques and forms (e.g., Swift, Powerful, Subtle). Each card describes the modification it applies.

Card Decks

  • Players have decks consisting of Technique, Form, and Modifier cards.
  • Each player starts with a limited number of cards, which they can draw from their decks during gameplay.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Drawing Cards: At the beginning of each session or adventure, players draw a specific number of cards from each deck (e.g., 3 Techniques, 3 Forms, 3 Modifiers).
  2. Combining Cards: Players combine one Technique card, one Form card, and optionally one Modifier card to cast a spell.
  3. Spell Casting:
    • Players describe the spell they intend to cast by combining the cards.
    • The Game Master (GM) decides the difficulty and effects based on the combination.
    • Players roll to see if the spell succeeds based on Dungeon World mechanics (e.g., 2d6 + relevant stat).

Example Scenarios

  1. Creating a Spell:

    • A player combines the cards: Create (Technique), Fire (Form), and Powerful (Modifier).
    • The player describes casting a powerful fireball spell.
    • The GM sets a difficulty, and the player rolls to determine success.
    • On a success, the fireball is cast, dealing significant damage.
  2. Perceiving the Environment:

    • A player combines the cards: Perceive (Technique), Air (Form), and Subtle (Modifier).
    • The player describes subtly sensing changes in the air to detect hidden enemies.
    • The GM sets a difficulty, and the player rolls to determine success.
    • On a success, the player gains information about hidden threats.
  3. Changing a Creature:

    • A player combines the cards: Change (Technique), Animal (Form), and Swift (Modifier).
    • The player describes quickly transforming a small animal into a different creature.
    • The GM sets a difficulty, and the player rolls to determine success.
    • On a success, the transformation happens rapidly.

Limitations and Balance

  • Card Limit: Players can only use each card combination once per session to ensure spells are not overused.
  • Drawing New Cards: Players can draw new cards at specific points in the game (e.g., after resting, completing a quest).
  • Failure Consequences: Failed spells can have consequences determined by the GM, such as backfiring or causing unintended effects.

Enhancing Role-Playing

  • Creative Freedom: The card combinations encourage players to think creatively and describe their spells in detail.
  • Narrative Impact: The GM can tailor the effects of spells to fit the narrative, enhancing the story and player engagement.
  • Resource Management: Players must manage their limited cards wisely, adding strategic depth to their magic use.

This card-based magic system adds an element of unpredictability and creativity to spellcasting in Dungeon World, making each session unique and engaging for the players.

In a Dungeon World-based tabletop RPG with a card-based magic system, players can obtain new cards through various in-game actions and narrative elements. Here are several methods for acquiring new cards:

Methods for Obtaining New Cards

  1. Quest Rewards:

    • Completion of Quests: Players can receive new cards as rewards for completing quests or major story arcs. The GM can tailor the rewards based on the nature of the quest.
    • Special Locations: Discovering ancient libraries, hidden temples, or magical academies can grant players access to new cards. These locations might have specific challenges or puzzles to overcome.
  2. Loot and Treasure:

    • Treasure Chests: Players might find new cards in treasure chests scattered throughout dungeons or hidden in secret locations.
    • Defeating Enemies: Powerful enemies or bosses might drop rare cards upon defeat. These cards can be particularly potent or unique.
  3. In-Game Purchases:

    • Magic Shops: Players can visit magic shops in towns or cities where they can purchase new cards using in-game currency. The availability of cards can vary based on the shop’s reputation and stock.
    • Traveling Merchants: Encountering wandering merchants or traders during their travels can provide opportunities to buy or trade for new cards.
  4. Training and Mentorship:

    • Mentors and Trainers: Seeking out powerful wizards, druids, or other magical mentors can allow players to learn new techniques and forms, represented by new cards. Training might involve completing specific tasks or paying a fee.
    • Guild Memberships: Joining magical guilds or organizations can provide access to unique cards through training sessions, guild missions, or rank advancements.
  5. Research and Experimentation:

    • Arcane Research: Players can spend downtime researching new spells in libraries or laboratories. This can involve studying ancient texts, conducting experiments, or combining existing cards in new ways.
    • Spellcrafting: Players can create new cards by combining existing ones in innovative ways. Successful spellcrafting can be rewarded with unique or custom cards.
  6. Story-Based Events:

    • Plot Developments: Major plot developments or pivotal moments in the story can grant players new cards. These can be tied to character growth, discoveries, or unlocking hidden potential.
    • Divine Intervention: Receiving blessings or gifts from deities or powerful spirits can bestow new cards. These might be granted during religious ceremonies, after completing a divine quest, or as rewards for piety.

Managing New Cards

  • Card Limit: To maintain balance, the GM can set a limit on the number of cards a player can hold at any given time. Players might need to choose which cards to keep and which to discard or trade.
  • Rarity and Power: New cards can have different rarity levels, with more powerful cards being harder to obtain. The GM can control the distribution of powerful cards to maintain game balance.
  • Customization: Players can personalize their decks by choosing cards that align with their character’s strengths and playstyle. This adds an element of strategy and customization to the game.

Example Scenarios

  1. Quest Reward:

    • After successfully defending a village from a marauding band of orcs, the village elder rewards the players with a rare card: "Control (Rego)".
  2. Magic Shop Purchase:

    • Visiting a renowned magic shop in the city of Arcadia, a player spends their hard-earned gold to purchase a "Transform (Transformo)" card.
  3. Mentorship Training:

    • Seeking out the legendary archmage Alaric, a player undergoes rigorous training and earns a "Powerful (Potenter)" card as a testament to their newfound abilities.
  4. Arcane Research:

    • Spending weeks in the grand library of Elaris, a player uncovers ancient texts that teach them the "Illusion (Illusio)" card, adding it to their collection.
  5. Divine Blessing:

    • After completing a holy pilgrimage, a cleric receives a divine vision and is bestowed the "Healing (Sano)" card by their deity.

Incorporating these methods into your game will provide a dynamic and engaging way for players to expand their magical abilities and keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Certainly! Let's create some example spells by drawing cards randomly from the Techniques, Forms, and Modifiers categories.

Example 1

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Create (Creo)
  • Form: Light (Lux)
  • Modifier: Bright (Clariter)


Spell Name: Radiant Beacon Description: The caster conjures a radiant beacon of light that illuminates a large area with intense brightness. This spell can be used to light up dark places or signal allies from a distance.

Example 2

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Perceive (Intellego)
  • Form: Mind (Mentem)
  • Modifier: Subtle (Subtiliter)


Spell Name: Whispering Insight Description: The caster subtly probes the mind of a target, gaining insight into their thoughts and intentions without alerting them. This spell is useful for gathering information discreetly.

Example 3

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Change (Muto)
  • Form: Water (Aquam)
  • Modifier: Swift (Celeriter)


Spell Name: Rapid Tides Description: The caster rapidly transforms water into various states, such as turning a calm pond into raging rapids or freezing a stream into ice within moments. This spell can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.

Example 4

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Control (Rego)
  • Form: Fire (Ignem)
  • Modifier: Powerful (Potenter)


Spell Name: Inferno Command Description: The caster takes powerful control of existing flames, manipulating them to attack foes or defend allies. The intensity and power of the flames make this spell particularly destructive.

Example 5

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Heal (Sano)
  • Form: Body (Corpus)
  • Modifier: Gentle (Leniter)


Spell Name: Tender Restoration Description: The caster gently heals the wounds and ailments of a target, providing soothing and effective recovery. This spell is ideal for treating injuries without causing additional pain.

Example 6

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Destroy (Perdo)
  • Form: Earth (Terram)
  • Modifier: Heavy (Graviter)


Spell Name: Crushing Collapse Description: The caster causes a heavy collapse of earth and stone, destroying structures or burying enemies under the rubble. This spell is particularly useful for demolishing obstacles or fortifications.

Example 7

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Animate (Animo)
  • Form: Metal (Metallum)
  • Modifier: Resilient (Resilio)


Spell Name: Iron Guardian Description: The caster animates a resilient metal construct to serve as a guard or warrior. The construct is durable and can withstand significant damage, making it an effective protector.

Example 8

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Summon (Evoco)
  • Form: Spirit (Spiritus)
  • Modifier: Powerful (Potenter)


Spell Name: Mighty Spirit Call Description: The caster summons a powerful spirit to assist them in battle or provide guidance. The spirit's strength and abilities are significantly enhanced, making it a formidable ally.

Example 9

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Conceal (Occulto)
  • Form: Shadow (Umbra)
  • Modifier: Silent (Taciter)


Spell Name: Shadow Veil Description: The caster envelops themselves or an area in a veil of silent shadows, concealing movement and presence. This spell is ideal for stealth operations and avoiding detection.

Example 10

Drawn Cards:

  • Technique: Transform (Transformo)
  • Form: Animal (Animal)
  • Modifier: Agile (Agileter)


Spell Name: Nimble Beast Form Description: The caster transforms into an agile animal, gaining enhanced speed and dexterity. This spell allows for quick movements and evasive actions, perfect for escaping danger or navigating difficult terrain.

These example spells demonstrate how combining different Techniques, Forms, and Modifiers can create a wide variety of unique and powerful magical effects, adding depth and creativity to the gameplay.

Great! Here’s a detailed version of the modified rules for the card-based magic system in your Dungeon World-based tabletop RPG:

Card Types

  1. Technique Cards: Represent different magical techniques (e.g., Create, Perceive, Change).
  2. Form Cards: Represent the different forms or elements the magic interacts with (e.g., Animal, Air, Body).
  3. Modifier Cards: Represent modifiers that enhance or specify the effects of the techniques and forms (e.g., Swift, Powerful, Subtle).

Deck and Hand Management

  • Magic Deck: Contains a mix of Technique, Form, and Modifier cards.
  • Hand Size: Each player has a hand limit of five cards.
  • Drawing Cards: Players draw cards from the Magic Deck to fill their hand.

Playing Spells

  1. Minimum Requirements: To cast a spell, a player must use at least one Technique card and one Form card.
  2. Modifiers: Players can add any number of Modifier cards to enhance the spell.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Drawing Cards:

    • At the beginning of the game or session, each player draws five cards from the Magic Deck.
    • If a player's hand is not full, they draw cards at the beginning of their turn until they have five cards.
  2. Discarding and Redrawing:

    • If a player has five cards in their hand, they can choose to discard all five and draw two new cards from the Magic Deck.
  3. Casting Spells:

    • Players choose a combination of Technique and Form cards from their hand to cast a spell.
    • Players can add Modifier cards from their hand to enhance the spell.
    • The player describes the spell based on the chosen cards.
    • The GM sets the difficulty and determines the effects based on the card combination.
    • The player rolls to determine the success of the spell using standard Dungeon World mechanics (e.g., 2d6 + relevant stat).

Example Scenarios

  1. Casting a Basic Spell:

    • A player has the cards: Create (Technique), Fire (Form), and Powerful (Modifier).
    • They choose to cast a spell using Create and Fire, adding Powerful to enhance it.
    • The player describes casting a powerful fireball.
    • The GM sets the difficulty, and the player rolls to determine success.
  2. Drawing and Redrawing:

    • A player has a hand of five cards: Perceive (Technique), Water (Form), Subtle (Modifier), Quick (Modifier), and Loud (Modifier).
    • They decide to discard all five cards to draw two new ones, getting Control (Technique) and Earth (Form).
  3. Combining Modifiers:

    • A player has the cards: Change (Technique), Body (Form), Swift (Modifier), and Resilient (Modifier).
    • They choose to cast a spell using Change and Body, adding Swift and Resilient to enhance the transformation.
    • The player describes swiftly transforming their body to be more resilient.
    • The GM sets the difficulty, and the player rolls to determine success.

Card Layout

  • Technique Cards: Displayed on the left side.
  • Form Cards: Displayed on the right side.
  • Modifier Cards: Displayed in the center, allowing any number of them to be added.

Balancing and Customization

  • Card Limit: Players are limited to the number of cards they can hold and play, ensuring balanced gameplay.
  • Diverse Effects: Combining different Techniques, Forms, and Modifiers allows for a wide variety of unique spells.
  • Creative Descriptions: Encourages players to think creatively and describe their spells in detail.

Example Spells

Example 1

  • Drawn Cards: Create (Technique), Light (Form), Bright (Modifier)
  • Spell Name: Radiant Beacon
  • Description: The caster conjures a radiant beacon of light that illuminates a large area with intense brightness. This spell can be used to light up dark places or signal allies from a distance.

Example 2

  • Drawn Cards: Perceive (Technique), Mind (Form), Subtle (Modifier)
  • Spell Name: Whispering Insight
  • Description: The caster subtly probes the mind of a target, gaining insight into their thoughts and intentions without alerting them. This spell is useful for gathering information discreetly.

Example 3

  • Drawn Cards: Change (Technique), Water (Form), Swift (Modifier)
  • Spell Name: Rapid Tides
  • Description: The caster rapidly transforms water into various states, such as turning a calm pond into raging rapids or freezing a stream into ice within moments. This spell can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.

By incorporating these rules, your card-based magic system will be engaging, balanced, and rich with possibilities for creative spellcasting.

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