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Last active December 26, 2015 22:19
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Save acairns/7222280 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create GitHub-based Jekyll Project
# Requirements
command -v git > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require git but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
command -v gem > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require gem but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
gem list jekyll -i > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require the jekyll ruby gem but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
# Configuration
while [[ -z $PROJECTNAME ]]; do read -p "Enter name of the project: " PROJECTNAME; done
while [[ -z $PROJECTDESC ]]; do read -p "Enter description of the project: " PROJECTDESC; done
while [[ -z $GITHUBUSER ]]; do read -p "Enter username for GitHub: " GITHUBUSER; done
# Setup GitHub Repository
echo -n "Enter password for GitHub: "
curl -u ${GITHUBUSER} -d "{\"name\": \"${PROJECTNAME}\", \"description\": \"${PROJECTDESC}\", \"private\": false, \"has_issues\": true, \"has_downloads\": false, \"has_wiki\": false, \"auto_init\": true}" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Jekyll scaffolding
jekyll new ${PROJECTNAME} --force
# Push
git add .
git commit -m "Setting up ${PROJECTNAME} with Jekyll"
git push origin master
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