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Last active April 26, 2022 02:04
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function Optimize-DRSSeparateVMs {
Creates DRS rules to keep similar VMs on separate VMHosts.Existing AntiAffinity rules are removed.
If VMHosts.count is less than or equal to 4, the max VMs per group is count-1. Otherwise count-2
Create DRS rules on MYCLUSTER
Optimize-DRSSeparateVMs -Cluster MYCLUSTER
Create DRS rules on all clusters
Get-Cluster | Sort Name | %{ Optimize-DRSSeparateVMs -Cluster $_.Name }
param (
[string]$ExclusionFilter = "*Veeam*"
try {
$ErrorActionPreference = "STOP"
# Get Cluster object
$ClusterObj = Get-cluster -Name $Cluster
# Remove existing VMAntiAffinity rules that dont match exclusion filter
Get-Drsrule -Cluster $ClusterObj | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike $ExclusionFilter -and $_.Type -eq "VMAntiAffinity" } | Remove-DrsRule -Confirm:$false
# Get VMs in Cluster except for VMware DRS VMs and Veeam replicas
$vms = $ClusterObj | get-vm | Sort-Object name | Where-Object { $ -notlike "*vcls*" -and $ -notlike "*replica*" }
# Get VMHost in Cluster
$vmhosts = @($ClusterObj | get-vmhost)
if($vmhosts.count -le 4) {
# Max VMs per group. Less than count to minimize issues with maintenance/failed VMHosts
$max = $vmhosts.count - 1
} else {
$max = $vmhosts.count - 2
# Determine VM Type from characters 3-7 in VMName
$vms | ForEach-Object { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Type -Value ($_.Name.Substring(3,4)) -Force }
# Group VMs by Type. DRS groups are not needed with only 1 VM
$groups = $vms | Group-Object -Property Type | Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 }
# Split groups based on maximum of VMHosts-2 VMs per group
$groups2 = foreach ($group in $groups) {
Write-Host "Processing $($Group.Name)"
# If group is greater than number of vmhosts then create multiple groups
if ($group.count -gt $max) {
# Counter for DRS rule index
$index = 1
for ($skip = 0; $skip -lt $; $skip += $max) {
$members = $ | Select-Object -First $max -Skip $skip
if ($members.count -ne 1) {
Count = $vmhosts.count
Name = $group.Name
Group = $members
Counter = $index
else {
Write-Host "Only 1 member for $($group.Name + $index). No DRS rule needed"
else {
# Create DRS rules from groups
foreach($group in $groups2) {
if($null -ne $group.Counter) {
$newName = "$($group.Name.ToUpper()) on Separate Hosts - $($group.Counter)"
} else {
$newName = "$($group.Name.ToUpper()) on Separate Hosts"
Write-Host "$($ClusterObj.Name)`: Creating $newName"
New-DrsRule -Cluster $ClusterObj -Name "$newName" -KeepTogether:$false -VM $
catch {
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