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Last active March 3, 2023 16:51
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Converting between OneNote Tables and PowerShell PSObject
function Get-1NotePage {
Finds the ID of a OneNote page
Get-1NotePage -Name "PowerShell Test"
param (
$OneNote = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application
[xml]$Hierarchy = ""
$OneNote.GetHierarchy("", [Microsoft.Office.InterOp.OneNote.HierarchyScope]::hsPages, [ref]$Hierarchy)
if($SectionName) {
# Get the Section ID
$Section = $Hierarchy.notebooks.notebook.section | ?{$_.Name -eq "$SectionName"}
# Get the Section Hierarchy
[xml]$SectionHierarchy = ""
$OneNote.GetHierarchy("$($Section.ID)", [Microsoft.Office.InterOp.OneNote.HierarchyScope]::hsPages, [ref]$SectionHierarchy)
$Pages = $
} else {
$Pages = $
Write-Output (($Pages | ?{$_.Name -eq "$PageName"}) | Select Name,ID)
function Get-1NoteContent {
Reads OneNote XML content into an array of PowerShell objects
Supports OneNote Strings and OneNote Tables
Get-1NoteContent -PageName "PowerShell Test"
Returns an array of PowerShell objects
Get-1NoteContent -PageName "Service Status" -OutDefault
Uses Out-Default to format output instead of Write-Output
Useful for viewing results in console but unable to save output to variable
param (
begin {
$OneNote = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application
[xml]$Hierarchy = ""
$OneNote.GetHierarchy("", [Microsoft.Office.InterOp.OneNote.HierarchyScope]::hsPages, [ref]$Hierarchy)
process {
$results = @()
# Get Page ID
if($PageName) {
$Pages = Get-1NotePage -PageName $PageName -SectionName $SectionName
} elseif($PageID) {
$Pages = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
ID = $PageID
foreach($PageID in $Pages.ID) {
# Get the XML Page Content
[xml]$PageContent = ""
# Each Note is an OE object
foreach($OE in $PageContent.Page.Outline.OEChildren.OE) {
# Get Note Data
if($OE.T."#cdata-section") {
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Page = $PageContent.Page.Name
Data = $OE.T."#cdata-section"
# Add Child OE - Bullets and Numbering
$listResults = $()
foreach($child in $OE.OEChildren.OE) {
$listPrefix = $null
if($child.List.Bullet) {
$listPrefix = "-"
} elseif($child.List.Number) {
$listPrefix = $child.List.Number.Text
# Add List data with newline
$listResults += "$listPrefix$($child.T."#cdata-section")`n"
# Add list results
if($listResults.count -gt 0) {
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Page = $PageContent.Page.Name
Data = $listResults
# Process Note Table
if($OE.Table -ne $null) {
$columns = @($OE.Table.Columns.Column)
# Headers are in the first row
$headers = @($OE.Table.Row[0].Cell.OEChildren.OE.T."#cdata-section")
$tableResults = @()
# Row
foreach($row in $OE.Table.Row | Select-Object -Skip 1) {
$rowObject = New-Object PSObject
# Column
for($i = 0; $i -lt $columns.count; $i++) {
$cell = $row.Cell[$i]
# Get columnn header. Remove HTML tags
$header = $headers[$i] -replace '<[^>]+>',''
# Get cell value. Remove HTML tags
$value = $cell.OEChildren.OE.T."#cdata-section" -replace '<[^>]+>',''
if(!$header) {
$header = "Column$i"
# Add cell value to rowObject
$rowObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $header -Value $value
$tableResults += $rowObject
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Page = $PageContent.Page.Name
Data = $tableResults
if($OutDefault) {
foreach($item in $results) {
Write-Output $item.Data | Out-Default
} else {
Write-Output $results
function Out-1Note {
Send a Note to a OneNote Page
Note can be a string or an array of PSObjects
This functions uses COM-object to interact with OneNote. It requires OneNote 2013 and .NET 4.0 to function correctly
By default new Notes are created in the 'Unfiled Notes' section
PowerShell PSObjects are converted to OneNote XML Tables
Out-1Note -Note "Remember to call Frank on 12/12 by lunch"
Creates a new page in OneNote in the Unfiled Notes section. The PageName is the Note
Out-1Note -Note "Remember to call Frank on 12/12 by lunch" -PageName "Don't forget"
Creates a new page in OneNote in the Unfiled Notes section named "Dont' forget"
Out-1Note -Note @(Get-Service | Select Name,Status) -PageName "PowerShell Test" -SectionName "Testing"
Creates a new page in OneNote in the Testing section with a table of the Get-Service array
Out-1Note -Note "I like turtles" -PageName "PowerShell Test" -SectionName "Testing" -Append
Appends a Page with a Note. If multiple pages are found, the Note is appended to the LastModified page
[string]$SectionName = "Unfiled Notes",
$f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START"
$onenote = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$onenote) {
throw "Error - Unable to create OneNoe application object (COMobject error)"
$scope = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.HierarchyScope]::hsPages
[ref]$xml = ""
$onenote.GetHierarchy($null, $scope, $xml)
$schema = @{one=""}
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Finding section in OneNote"
$xpath = "//one:Notebook/one:Section"
Select-Xml -Xml ([xml]$xml.Value) -Namespace $schema -XPath $xpath | foreach {
if ($psitem.Node.Name -eq $SectionName) {
$SectionID = $psitem.Node.ID
$SectionPath = $psitem.Node.Path
$SectionPages = $psitem.Node.Page
if (!$SectionID) {
throw "Unable to find Section with name $SectionName"
[ref]$PageXML = ""
if(!$Append) {
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Creating new page"
[ref]$newpageID =""
if (!$newpageID.Value) {
throw "Unable to create new OneNote page"
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Getting page content"
if (!$PageXML) {
throw "Unable to get OneNote page content"
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Parsing new page xml content to find the title element"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Xml.Linq") | Out-Null
$xDoc = [System.Xml.Linq.XDocument]::Parse($PageXML.Value)
$title = $xDoc.Descendants() | where Name -like "*}T"
if (!$title) {
throw "Unable to get title of new onenote page"
if(!$PageName) {
$title.Value = "$Note"
} elseif($PageName) {
$title.Value = "$PageName"
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Setting page title to $($title.Value)"
} else {
# Find the page in the section
$Page = @($SectionPages | ?{$_.Name -eq $PageName} | Sort-Object LastModifiedTime | Select-Object -Last 1)
if($Page.Count -ne 1) {
Write-Output "Section:`"$SectionName`" with Page:`"$PageName`" not found. Abort"
# Get the page content
if($Note -is [array]) {
if(!$Append) {
# Start Page
$NewContent = @"
<one:Page xmlns:one="" ID="$($newpageID.Value)" >
<one:Position x="36.0" y="86.4000015258789" z="0" />
<one:Size width="117.001953125" height="40.28314971923828" />
<one:Table bordersVisible="true">
} else {
# Append Page
$NewContent = @"
<one:Table bordersVisible="true">
# Columns
$headers = @($Note[0].PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $headers.count; $i++) {
$width = 100/$headers.count
$NewContent += "<one:Column index='$i' width='$width' />"
$NewContent += "</one:Columns>"
# Column Headers
$NewContent += "<one:Row>"
for($i = 0; $i -lt $headers.count; $i++) {
$NewContent += "<one:Cell><one:OEChildren><one:OE><one:T><![CDATA[$($headers[$i])]]></one:T></one:OE></one:OEChildren></one:Cell>"
$NewContent += "</one:Row>"
# Rows
foreach($item in $note) {
$NewContent += "<one:Row>"
for($i = 0; $i -lt $headers.count; $i++) {
$NewContent += "<one:Cell><one:OEChildren><one:OE><one:T><![CDATA[$($item.($headers[$i]))]]></one:T></one:OE></one:OEChildren></one:Cell>"
$NewContent += "</one:Row>"
if(!$Append) {
# End Page
$NewContent += "</one:Table></one:OE></one:OEChildren></one:Outline></one:Page>"
} else {
# End Table
$NewContent += "</one:Table></one:OE>"
} else {
# New page with Note
if(!$Append) {
$NewContent = @"
<one:Page xmlns:one="" ID="$($newpageID.Value)" >
<one:Position x="36.0" y="86.4000015258789" z="0" />
<one:Size width="117.001953125" height="40.28314971923828" />
} else {
#New OE with Note
$NewContent = @"
if(!$Append) {
Write-Host "$f - Inserting Note at $sectionPath"
} else {
Write-Host "$f - Appending Note at $sectionPath"
$lastOEChildrenIndex = $PageXML.Value.LastIndexOf("</one:OEChildren>")
$updatedPageXML = $PageXML.Value.Insert($lastOEChildrenIndex,$NewContent)
function Search-1Note {
Searches OneNote for a term
This functions uses COM-object to interact with OneNote. It requires OneNote 2013 and .NET 4.0 to function correctly
Using -Categories will show Search categories similar to searching in the OneNote application
Output can be piped to Get-1NoteContent
Search-1Note "Remember to call"
Search-1Note "Remember to call" | Get-1NoteContent
param (
[string]$Search = "PowerShell",
$OneNote = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application
[xml]$Hierarchy = ""
$OneNote.GetHierarchy("", [Microsoft.Office.InterOp.OneNote.HierarchyScope]::hsPages, [ref]$Hierarchy)
# Search OneNote
[xml]$searchHierarchy = ""
$notebooks = @()
if($searchHierarchy.Notebooks.UnfiledNotes) {
$notebooks += $searchHierarchy.Notebooks.UnfiledNotes
if($searchHierarchy.Notebooks.Notebook) {
$notebooks += $searchHierarchy.Notebooks.Notebook
$results = @()
foreach($notebook in $notebooks) {
foreach($section in $notebook.section) {
foreach($page in $ {
$PagePath = "$($ > $($section.Name)"
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
PageName = $
Path = $PagePath
LastModifiedTime = $page.lastModifiedTime
PageID = $page.ID
foreach($sectionGroup in $notebook.SectionGroup) {
foreach($section in $sectionGroup.Section) {
foreach($page in $ {
$PagePath = "$($ > $($sectionGroup.Name) > $($section.Name)"
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
PageName = $
Path = $PagePath
LastModifiedTime = $page.lastModifiedTime
PageID = $page.ID
$results = $results | Sort-Object -Property LastModifiedTime -Descending
if($Categories) {
# Filter the results to In Title, On Page, and Recycle Bin
# These categories are the similar to the OneNote application search results
$recycleResults = $results | ?{$_.Path -like "*OneNote_RecycleBin*"}
$notRecycleResults = $results | ?{$_.Path -notlike "*OneNote_RecycleBin*"}
# In Title Results are not in a Recycle Bin
$inTitleResults = $notRecycleResults | ?{$_.PageName -like "*$Search*"}
$notInTitleResults = $notRecycleResults | ?{$_.PageName -notlike "*$Search*"}
# On Page Results are not in Title or in Recycle Bin
$onPageResults = $notInTitleResults | ?{$_.Path -notlike "*OneNote_RecycleBin*"}
Write-Output "In Title: `"$Search`" $($inTitleResults.count)"
Write-Output $inTitleResults | Select-Object PageName,Path | Out-Default
Write-Output "On Page: `"$Search`" $($onPageResults.count)"
Write-Output $onPageResults | Select-Object PageName,Path | Out-Default
Write-Output "Recycle Bins: `"$Search`" $($recycleResults.count)"
Write-Output $recycleResults | Select-Object PageName,Path | Out-Default
} else {
Write-Output $results
Out-1Note -Note "Remember to call Frank on 12/12 by lunch"
Out-1Note -Note "Remember to call Frank on 12/12 by lunch" -PageName "Never forget"
Out-1Note -Note @(Get-Service | Select Name,Status) -PageName "Never forget" -SectionName "Testing"
Out-1Note -Note "I like turtles" -PageName "Never forget" -SectionName "Testing" -Append
Get-1NoteContent -PageName "Never forget"
Get-1NoteContent -PageName "Never forget" -SectionName "Testing"
Get-1NoteContent -PageName "Never forget" -SectionName "Testing" -OutDefault
Search-1Note "Remember to call" -Categories
Search-1Note "Remember to call" | Get-1NoteContent
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Nice work but just its seems that one little bug slipping through......if you have a Onenote page like this:


  • Line1
  • Line2


  • Line1
  • Line2


  • Line1
  • Line2

In other words, normal line ending in colon, followed by normal bullet (or numbered) list, results in only the top-level items returned as in this example shown below:

Get-1NoteContent -PageName 'Testpage'

Page                  Data
-----                ------
Testpage             Topic1:
Testpage             Topic2:
Testpage             Topic3:

and if using Get-1NoteContent -PageName 'Testpage' -OutDefault




If there is a way to capture the list items that would be awesome!

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abix- commented Dec 5, 2018

Nice work but just its seems that one little bug slipping through......if you have a Onenote page like this:


  • Line1
  • Line2


  • Line1
  • Line2


  • Line1
  • Line2

If there is a way to capture the list items that would be awesome!

After some testing the items are an array of OE elements nested inside another OE.
I added a foreach loop to extract the item into an array separated by newlines.
This works for Bullets and Numbering.
Let me know if you have any issues.

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