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Created June 2, 2013 11:20
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KNB corpus parser for R
# Parser for KNB corpus (
# Copyright 2012- Takeshi Arabiki
# License: MIT License (
# Example:
# # KNB コーパスを data ディレクトリ下にダウンロードして解凍
# # 返り値は解凍後のファイル名
# dir <- KNB$downloadCorpus("data")
# # KNB コーパスの内容をパース
# docs <- KNB$parseDocs(dir)
# # パース結果を元にデータフレームを作成
# # normalize が TRUE だと RUnicode パッケージ(Windows 不可)で Unicode 正規化を行う
# corpus <- KNB$makeCorpusDF(docs, normalize = TRUE)
# # 一部の品詞の単語のみを使って単語文書行列を作成する
# # 品詞を区別するために pos1 の情報も使う
# library(Matrix)
# pos <- c("名詞", "接尾辞", "動詞", "副詞", "形容詞", "接頭辞", "連体詞")
# D <- xtabs(~ paste(term, pos1, sep = ".") + doc,
# data = subset(corpus, pos1 %in% pos), sparse = TRUE)
KNB <- list()
KNB$url <- ""
KNB$emoticons <- c("\uff08 \u00b4\u0434\uff40\uff09\u2193",
"\u30fe\uff08\uff0a \u00b4\u2200\uff40\uff0a\uff09\u30ce\u201d")
KNB$downloadCorpus <- function(dataDir) {
filename <- file.path(dataDir, basename(KNB$url))
download.file(KNB$url, filename)
untar(filename, exdir = dataDir)
return(sub("\\.tar\\.bz2$", "", filename))
KNB$parseFile <- function(filename, skipTag = FALSE) {
fh <- file(filename, "r", encoding = "euc-jp")
lines <- readLines(fh)
surface <- reading <- term <- pos1 <- pos2 <- pos3 <- character(length(lines))
i <- 0
for (line in lines) {
if (substr(line, 1, 1) %in% c("#", "*", "+")) {
if (line == "EOS") {
tokens <- strsplit(line, " ")[[1]]
if (skipTag) {
if (tokens[1] == "") {
skipTag <- FALSE
if (paste(tokens[1:2], collapse = " ") %in% KNB$emoticons) {
# emoticons which have a space
emoticon <- paste(tokens[1:2], collapse = " ")
tokens <- c(rep(emoticon, 3), tokens[-(1:6)])
} else if (tokens[3] == "") {
# there are redundant spaces in the line
tokens <- tokens[-3]
i <- i + 1
surface[i] <- tokens[1]
reading[i] <- tokens[2]
term[i] <- tokens[3]
pos1[i] <- tokens[4]
pos2[i] <- tokens[6]
pos3[i] <- tokens[8]
surface = surface[seq_len(i)],
reading = reading[seq_len(i)],
term = term[seq_len(i)],
pos1 = pos1[seq_len(i)],
pos2 = pos2[seq_len(i)],
pos3 = pos3[seq_len(i)],
sentence = rep(basename(filename), i)))
KNB$parseDoc <- function(dir) {
files <- list.files(dir, pattern = "^KN", full.names = TRUE)
doc <- vector("list", length(files))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
doc[[i]] <- KNB$parseFile(files[i], i == 1)
if (nrow(doc[[i]]) > 0) {
doc[[i]]$doc <- factor(basename(dir))
names(doc) <- basename(files)
KNB$parseDocs <- function(corpusDir) {
dirs <- list.files(file.path(corpusDir, "corpus1"), full.names = TRUE)
docs <- lapply(dirs, KNB$parseDoc)
names(docs) <- basename(dirs)
KNB$makeCorpusDF <- function(docs, normalize = FALSE) {
corpus <-, lapply(docs, function(doc) {, doc)
rownames(corpus) <- NULL
corpus <- within(corpus, {
if (normalize && require("RUnicode")) {
# "Tokyo.R" -> "tokyo.r"
surface <- tolower(unormalize(surface))
term <- tolower(unormalize(term))
} else {
# "Tokyo.R" -> "tokyo.r"
surface <- tolower(surface)
term <- tolower(term)
target <- which(pos2 == "数詞")
surface[target] <- "<NUMBER>"
term[target] <- "<NUMBER>"
target <- grep("^https?://", surface, perl = TRUE)
surface[target] <- "<URL>"
term[target] <- "<URL>"
# tokyo.r!!!!! -> tokyo.r!
# note: process one multibyte character as one character if `useBytes` is `TRUE`
regex <- "([!?,.、。,.ー・])\\1+"
surface <- gsub(regex, "\\1", surface, perl = TRUE)
term <- gsub(regex, "\\1", term, perl = TRUE)
category <- factor(sapply(strsplit(as.character(doc), "_"), `[[`, 2))
rm(target, regex)
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