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abhishekmunie / main.cpp
Created November 9, 2012 04:54
Finding minimum cost to visit all vertices in a graph and returning back.
// main.cpp
// FloydGreedyTravel
// The program tries to find a path to visit all vertices of Graph.
// The rules are:
// * Nodes can be visited more than once.
// * Try to find shortest path
// First it find All-Pairs Shortest Paths using The Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
paulirish / rAF.js
Last active August 19, 2024 08:39
requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];