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Created June 21, 2019 19:39
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* ORM Entity class for 'agent_metrics_table' table.
* @ColumnField annotation injects the table schema information on each entity fields like
* i) the column name,
* ii) column alias to be used for aggregate function queries,
* iii) data type to which the table column data is to casted during data mapping to entity class
* iv) if this field corresponds to PK column and its position in the PK composite column and
* v) if this column is to be used as group-by field for an aggregated query
* vi) the aggregate function/UDF to applied on the column during query
@Table(name = "agent_metrics_table")
public class AgentMetrics {
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "domain",
pk = true,
pkPosition = 0,
groupBy = true)
public String domain;
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "time_bucket",
alias = "time",
pk = true,
pkPosition = 1,
groupBy = true,
function = "TO_CHAR(CONVERT_TZ(TO_DATE(time_bucket,'yyyyMMddHHmm'), 'UTC', 'Asia/Kolkata'),'yyyy-MM-dd\\'T\\'HH:00:00')")
public String time;
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "agent_id",
pk = true,
pkPosition = 2,
groupBy = true)
public String agentId;
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "ttfr_sum",
alias = "ttfrSum",
function = "SUM(ttfr_sum)")
public Long ttfrSum;
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "ttfr_count",
alias = "ttfrCount",
function = "SUM(ttfr_count)")
public Long ttfrCount;
@ColumnField(type = ColumnField.FieldType.STRING,
name = "csat",
alias = "csatAvg",
function = "AVG(csat)")
public Long csatAvg;
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