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Last active February 11, 2023 10:00
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Simple Candlestick Chart
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this div -->
<div id="plotly-div"></div>
var trace1 = {
x: ['2017-01-04', '2017-01-05', '2017-01-06', '2017-01-09', '2017-01-10', '2017-01-11', '2017-01-12', '2017-01-13', '2017-01-17', '2017-01-18', '2017-01-19', '2017-01-20', '2017-01-23', '2017-01-24', '2017-01-25', '2017-01-26', '2017-01-27', '2017-01-30', '2017-01-31', '2017-02-01', '2017-02-02', '2017-02-03', '2017-02-06', '2017-02-07', '2017-02-08', '2017-02-09', '2017-02-10', '2017-02-13', '2017-02-14', '2017-02-15'],
close: [116.019997, 116.610001, 117.910004, 118.989998, 119.110001, 119.75, 119.25, 119.040001, 120, 119.989998, 119.779999, 120, 120.080002, 119.970001, 121.879997, 121.940002, 121.949997, 121.629997, 121.349998, 128.75, 128.529999, 129.080002, 130.289993, 131.529999, 132.039993, 132.419998, 132.119995, 133.289993, 135.020004, 135.509995],
decreasing: {line: {color: '#7F7F7F'}},
high: [116.510002, 116.860001, 118.160004, 119.43, 119.379997, 119.93, 119.300003, 119.620003, 120.239998, 120.5, 120.089996, 120.449997, 120.809998, 120.099998, 122.099998, 122.440002, 122.349998, 121.629997, 121.389999, 130.490005, 129.389999, 129.190002, 130.5, 132.089996, 132.220001, 132.449997, 132.940002, 133.820007, 135.089996, 136.270004],
increasing: {line: {color: '#17BECF'}},
line: {color: 'rgba(31,119,180,1)'},
low: [115.75, 115.809998, 116.470001, 117.940002, 118.300003, 118.599998, 118.209999, 118.809998, 118.220001, 119.709999, 119.370003, 119.730003, 119.769997, 119.5, 120.279999, 121.599998, 121.599998, 120.660004, 120.620003, 127.010002, 127.779999, 128.160004, 128.899994, 130.449997, 131.220001, 131.119995, 132.050003, 132.75, 133.25, 134.619995],
open: [115.849998, 115.919998, 116.779999, 117.949997, 118.769997, 118.739998, 118.900002, 119.110001, 118.339996, 120, 119.400002, 120.449997, 120, 119.550003, 120.419998, 121.669998, 122.139999, 120.93, 121.150002, 127.029999, 127.980003, 128.309998, 129.130005, 130.539993, 131.350006, 131.649994, 132.460007, 133.080002, 133.470001, 135.520004],
type: 'candlestick',
xaxis: 'x',
yaxis: 'y'
var data = [trace1];
var layout = {
dragmode: 'zoom',
margin: {
r: 10,
t: 25,
b: 40,
l: 60
showlegend: false,
xaxis: {
autorange: true,
domain: [0, 1],
range: ['2017-01-03 12:00', '2017-02-15 12:00'],
rangeslider: {range: ['2017-01-03 12:00', '2017-02-15 12:00']},
title: 'Date',
type: 'date'
yaxis: {
autorange: true,
domain: [0, 1],
range: [114.609999778, 137.410004222],
type: 'linear'
Plotly.plot('plotly-div', data, layout, {showSendToCloud: true});
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