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" Canonical is at"
" This didnt work for me so lets just manually synch with the gist above
" let configpath = '/Users/aberezin/.cvimrc'
" set localconfig
" ccim_server in ~/bin needs to be run mannually for now. Maybe make a
" service
set noautofocus
set autoupdategist
let barposition = "bottom"
let scrollstep = 350
set nosmoothscroll
set noautofocus
let hintcharacters = "asdfjkl"
let blacklists = ["*", "*://*", "*://*", "*://*/*.pdf"]
map gg :open<Space>
map <A-g> :open!<Space>
map bb :bookmarks<Space>
map <A-b> :bookmarks!<Space>
map <C-g> :execute <Esc>
" Navigation
unmap f
unmap mf
map h createHint
map mh createMultiHint
map <A-h> createTabbedHint
" Motion command
unmap e
unmap s
map j scrollLeft
map l scrollRight
map i scrollPageUp
map k scrollPageDown
map u scrollToTop
map o scrollToBottom
map <Left> scrollLeft
map <Right> scrollRight
map <Up> scrollPageUp
map <Down> scrollPageDown
map <Home> scrollToTop
map <End> scrollToBottom
let completionengines = ["google"]
let searchengine Google = ""
let searchengine GMail = ""
let searchengine GoogleMaps = ""
" " Create a shortcut for search engines. For example, typing ':tabnew
" " g example' would act the same way as ':tabnew google example'
let searchalias g = "Google"
let searchalias mail = "GMail"
let searchalias maps = "GoogleMaps"
let qmark n = ["", "", "", ""]
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
map <C-u> scrollPageUp
map <C-f> scrollFullPageDown
map <C-b> scrollFullPageUp
map u lastClosedTab
map O :tabnew<Space>
map o :open<Space>
map B :bookmarks!<Space>
map dd closeTab
imap <C-o> editWithVim
imap <Home> beginningOfLine
imap <End> endOfLine
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