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Forked from nwinkler/pom.xml
Created July 25, 2016 17:40
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Combining the git-flow branching model and the Maven Release Plugin to play nice. Based on info found here:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Dummy Project</name>
<!-- Keep changes in the local repo, push will be done afterwards -->
<!-- Use a better name for the tag -->
# THe issue is that the Maven Release Plugin insists on creating a tag, and git-flow also wants to create a tag.
# Secondly, the Maven Release Plugin updates the version number to the next SNAPSHOT release before you can
# merge the changes into master, so you end with the SNAPSHOT version number in master, and this is highly undesired.
# This script solves this by doing changes locally, only pushing at the end.
# All git commands are fully automated, without requiring any user input.
# See the required configuration options for the Maven Release Plugin to avoid unwanted pushs.
# Based on the excellent information found here:
# The version to be released
# The next development version
# Provide an optional comment prefix, e.g. for your bug tracking system
scmCommentPrefix='GST-1234: '
# Start the release by creating a new release branch
git checkout -b release/$releaseVersion develop
# The Maven release
mvn --batch-mode release:prepare release:perform -DscmCommentPrefix="$scmCommentPrefix" -DreleaseVersion=$releaseVersion -DdevelopmentVersion=$developmentVersion
# Clean up and finish
# get back to the develop branch
git checkout develop
# merge the version back into develop
git merge --no-ff -m "$scmCommentPrefix Merge release/$releaseVersion into develop" release/$releaseVersion
# go to the master branch
git checkout master
# merge the version back into master but use the tagged version instead of the release/$releaseVersion HEAD
git merge --no-ff -m "$scmCommentPrefix Merge previous version into master to avoid the increased version number" release/$releaseVersion~1
# Removing the release branch
git branch -D release/$releaseVersion
# Get back on the develop branch
git checkout develop
# Finally push everything
git push --all && git push --tags
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