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Last active November 17, 2023 04:36
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Compress HTML output with CodeIgniter
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function compress()
$CI =& get_instance();
$buffer = $CI->output->get_output();
$search = array(
'/\>[^\S ]+/s',
'/[^\S ]+\</s',
'/(\s)+/s', // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
'#(?://)?<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)(?://)?\]\]>#s' //leave CDATA alone
$replace = array(
$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);
/* End of file compress.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/hooks/compress.php */
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
// compress output
$hook['display_override'][] = array(
'class' => '',
'function' => 'compress',
'filename' => 'compress.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks'
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how can i use this?

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