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Created November 30, 2023 07:44
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My Resume in LaTeX
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\color[HTML]{1C033C} \Huge{Abdus Azad} \\[4pt]
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faEnvelope}}} $|$
\href{tel:+917002505507}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faMobile} +91 7002 505 507} $|$
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faGithub}}} $|$
{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faLinkedin}}} $|$
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{Level SuperMind}} \hfill June 2021 - July 2023 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textit{\textbf{Lead Product Engineer}}\ \hfill \textit{Mumbai, Maharashtra} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item \textbf{Led a team of 4 people} to drive revenue, achieving organizational \textbf{break-even point}
\item Acquired \textbf{10K+ users} by building a web-app for boot-camp that helped conduct sessions on Meditation and Workout
\item Tested and Identified \textbf{critical bugs} in customer-facing products, and helped resolve them along with Android team
\item Built internal tools for data analysis and decision-making
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textit{\textbf{Software Engineer}}\ \hfill \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Reduced bandwidth by \textbf{up to 78\%} through implementation of HTTP Live Streaming, improving user experience
\item Reduced API \textbf{response time by 99\%} by implementing caching mechanisms, resulting in better conversions
\item Seamlessly handled \textbf{thousands of transactions} on a monthly basis by building the Payment Infrastructure end-to-end
\item Designed robust database schema that helped shape the foundation of the back-end infrastructure for the start-up \end{itemize}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{Algorisys Technologies}} \hfill Jan 2021 - Aug 2021 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Software Engineer}}\ \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Mumbai, Maharashtra} \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Led a team in developing cross-platform mobile apps using React Native and Node.js
\item Built a full-stack web app with Java Spring, leveraging Docker, AWS and PostgreSQL for improved efficiency and scalability.
\item Demonstrated expertise in developing both mobile and web applications with a focus on enhancing user experience
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{MailModo}} \hfill Feb 2020 - Apr 2020 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Front-end Intern}}\ \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Bangalore, Karnataka} \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Built high-performance AMP email templates used by established companies
\item Developed internal tools such as a DNS validator
% Education
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{Gauhati University} & \hfill 2020 \\
\color[HTML]{371e77} Bachelor of Computer Applications {} & \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Guwahati, Assam} \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{Relevant Courses: C Lang, Computer Hardware, Mathematic, Software Engineering, Data Structure and Algorithms, \newline \hspace*{15ex} DBMS, Computer Organization and Architecture, OOP in C++, Java, OS, Linux, Computer Networks}
% Projects
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{{\href{}{\faGithub{ WebP Converter }}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} {} \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{ Free alternative to CloudConvert }} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Node, JavaScript, React, AWS} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Designed and built a user-friendly application for converting images to the WebP format
\item Initially developed as an in-house tool, later released for the public as an open-source tool
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{{\href{}{ \faGithub{ DogeGram }}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} {} \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Social Media App for Meme Sharing}} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Firebase, React, TypeScript, Git} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Developed a meme-centered social media platform, closely resembling Instagram’s interface
\item Implemented real-time features using Firebase to enhance user engagement, allowing instant updates on likes, and comments
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{{\href{}{\faGithub{ Face Rekognition}}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} {} \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{ Recognize faces based on pre-trained data }} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{AWS (Lambda Function, Rekognition, DynamoDB, S3), TerraForm} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Triggered AWS Lambda Invoke based on AWS S3 notifications to automate the training process
\item Implemented storage of training data in an AWS Rekognition index in Vector form, mapped to individuals via DynamoDB
\item Developed a web interface allowing users to upload an individual's image, facilitating easy testing of the entire setup
% Skills
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item \textbf{Backend:} Node, Fastify, Express, Rust, RESTful, GraphQL, PrismaORM
\item \textbf{Database:} MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB
\item \textbf{Cloud and Infrastructure:} AWS, TerraForm, Docker, Git
\item \textbf{Frontend:} React, Next, GatsBy, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, SASS
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