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Last active August 11, 2024 20:27
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TypeScript - HTTP and Fetch API helper
export const Status = {
Ok: 200,
Unassigned: 299,
BadRequest: 400,
Unauthorized: 401,
NotFound: 404,
export const Methods = {
Get: "GET",
Post: "POST",
Put: "PUT",
Delete: "DELETE",
export const Headers = {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
'X-Requested-With': 'fetch'
export const AuthorizationType = {
Bearer: "bearer ",
Basic: "basic "
export enum Credentials {
SameOrigin = "same-origin", /* default */
Include = "include",
Omit = "omit"
export const addAuthorization = (headers: any, type: string, value: string) => {
headers["Authorization"] = `${type}${value}`;
export const interceptError = (error: AppError): Result<null> => {
if (error instanceof UnauthorizedError) /* "failed to fetch" error in case of not managed CORS policy */
/* Delete technical error details in case of an AppError (not as a base class) */
if (!DEBUG && error.constructor === AppError)
error.body = "Technical error";
return new Result(false, null, error);
class HttpHelper {
static async getAsync<T = any>(url: string, query?: any, headers?: any) : Promise<T> {
try {
let response = await this.query(url, query, headers);
return response.body;
catch (error) {
static async postAsync<T = any>(url: string, body?: any) : Promise<Result<T>> {
try {
let response = await this.command(Methods.Post, url, body);
return new Result<T>(true, response.body);
catch (error) {
return interceptError(error);
static async putAsync<T = any>(url: string, body?: any) : Promise<Result<T>> {
try {
let response = await this.command(Methods.Put, url, body);
return new Result<T>(true, response.body);
catch (error) {
return interceptError(error);
static async deleteAsync<T = any>(url: string, body?: any) : Promise<Result<T>> {
try {
let response = await this.command(Methods.Delete, url, body);
return new Result<T>(true, response.body);
catch (error) {
return interceptError(error);
private static query = (url: string, query?: any, headers?: any) => {
if (query)
url += "?" + HttpHelper.buildQueryParams(query, true);
return fetch(url, {
method: Methods.Get,
credentials: Credentials.SameOrigin,
headers: headers !== undefined ? headers : Headers
private static command = (method: string, url: string, body?: any) => {
return fetch(url, {
method: method,
credentials: Credentials.SameOrigin,
headers: Headers,
body: HttpHelper.stringifyBody(body),
private static handleResponse = (response) => {
/* Cannot access to headers using headers['...'] */
const headers = HttpHelper.readHeaders(response.headers);
if (HttpHelper.isError(response))
return HttpHelper.handleExpectedError(response, headers);
return response.text().then((bodyText) => {
/* .json() throw an exception in case of empty body */
const body = HttpHelper.parseBody(bodyText);
return new AppResponse(body, headers);
private static isError = (response) => {
return response.status < Status.Ok || response.status > Status.Unassigned;
private static handleExpectedError = (error, headers) => {
/*Expected (includes backend unhandled exceptions if returned as Http error 500)*/
return error.text().then((bodyText) => {
/* .json() throw an exception in case of empty body */
let body = HttpHelper.parseBody(bodyText);
switch (error.status) {
case Status.BadRequest:
return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError(body, headers));
case Status.Unauthorized:
return Promise.reject(new UnauthorizedError(body, headers));
case Status.NotFound:
return Promise.reject(new NotFoundError(body, headers));
return Promise.reject(new AppError(body, headers));
private static handleUnexpectedError = (error) => {
/*Unexpected: Server offline, Network down */
if (!(error instanceof AppError))
/*return need to be rejected again*/
return Promise.reject(new AppError(error));
/*Rejected expected errors (via handleExpectedError) will get here*/
return Promise.reject(error);
private static buildQueryParams = (query: any, deleteEmptyParams?: boolean) => {
let params = {...query},
paramsAsArray = {};
for (let param in params) {
if (deleteEmptyParams && (params[param] === undefined || params[param] === null || params[param] === ""))
delete params[param];
if (Array.isArray(params[param])) {
paramsAsArray[param] = params[param];
delete params[param];
let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(params);
for (let param in paramsAsArray) {
if (paramsAsArray[param].length)
paramsAsArray[param].forEach(element => {
searchParams.append(param, element);
return searchParams.toString();
private static parseBody = (bodyText) => {
let body = {};
try {
/* empty or invalid json string */
body = JSON.parse(bodyText);
} catch {
if (bodyText)
body = { bodyText }
return body;
private static stringifyBody = (body) => {
if (body instanceof FormData || body instanceof Blob)
return body;
return JSON.stringify(body); /* 'undefined', 'null' managed */
private static readHeaders = (headers) => {
/* Cannot access to headers using headers['...'] */
let headersObject = {};
headers.forEach((value, key) => {
headersObject[key] = value;
return headersObject;
private static performanceInfo = () => {
let requests = (window.performance /* PerformanceResourceTiming interface */
.getEntriesByType("resource") as any)
.filter(x => x.initiatorType === 'fetch')
.map(x => ({
startTime: x.startTime,
transferSize: x.transferSize,
duration: x.duration,
ttfb: x.responseStart - x.requestStart
export default HttpHelper;
/* Export Response classes */
/* Could be used to wrap final result returned to the components instead of checking for '!== undefined' */
export class Result<T = any> {
constructor(succeeded: boolean, payload?: T, error?: AppError) {
this.succeeded = succeeded;
this.payload = payload;
this.error = error;
public succeeded: boolean;
public payload: T;
/* Check using instanceof to get status */
public error: AppError;
export class AppResponse {
constructor(public body = null, public headers = null) {
this.body = body;
this.headers = headers;
export class AppError {
constructor(public body = null, public headers = null) {
this.body = body;
this.headers = headers;
export class NotFoundError extends AppError {
constructor(body = null, headers = null) {
super(body, headers);
export class BadRequestError extends AppError {
constructor(body = null, headers = null) {
super(body, headers);
export class UnauthorizedError extends AppError {
constructor(body = null, headers = null) {
super(body, headers);

Http Fetch API helper 🌐

Let's say that the frontend app different layers are : Components (logic and template), state management, Http communications.

The Http service is :

  • Responsible only of communicating with the app backend endpoints (and possibly third party apis)
  • Representation of the different backend endpoints by exposing the endpont path/route and the needed inputs and the returned outputs, means, the request and response models as classes, interfaces or simple types.

Why and how to use HttpHelper

Fetch API,


HttpHelper uses Fetch API but,

  • Handles expected errors
  • Handles unexpected errors
  • Response well typed, wrapped and standardized (easy check for validity, access to payload, error, etc.)
  • Handles query string (params) (converting object to query string including array, delete undefined, etc.)
  • Request and response interception (add authorization, handle unauthorized reponse).

Examples of use

Import the helper and its generic result class.

import { default as Http, Result } from '@/modules/common/helpers/HttpHelper';

If you prefer, init a base url property in the constructor of your Http service .

private _baseUrl: string;
constructor() {
   this._baseUrl = "/api/movies/"; //Do not forget the first slash otherwise you need to provide the absolute url !

Add an Http GET request :

async getMovies(): Promose<MoviesResponse> {
   return Http.getAsync<MoviesResponse>(`${this._baseUrl}`);

async getMovies(query: MoviesRequest): Promose<MoviesResponse> {
   return Http.getAsync<MoviesResponse>(`${this._baseUrl}`, query);

async getMovies(types: number[], category: string): Promose<MoviesResponse> {
   return Http.getAsync<MoviesResponse>(`${this._baseUrl}`, { types, category });

async getMovies(): Promose<MoviesResponse> {
   const customHeaders = {}
   return Http.getAsync<MoviesResponse>(`${this._baseUrl}`, null, customHeaders);

Add an Http POST, PUT, DELETE requests :

async createMovie(command: MovieRequest): Promose<Result<int>> {
   return Http.postAsync<int>(`${this._baseUrl}`, command);

async deleteMovie(movieId: number): Promose<Result<void>> {
   return Http.deleteAsync<void>(`${this._baseUrl}${movieId}`);

Use your Http service

const service = new MoviesSerivce();

// read
const data = await service.getMovies();
console.log(data); //could be an error of type AppError. Check using (data instanceof AppError) 

// write
const result = await service.createMovie({...});
if (result.succeeded)
else {
   console.log(result.error instanceof BadRequestError); //import the needed class from HttpHelper.ts

NB : You may have noticed that GET requests return a simple result (not wrapped in Result<>), first to simplify things for reads and because writes neeed to be checked properly.

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