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RainVisitor abc873693

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"zh":{"data": [{"title": "功能異常公告", "id": 0, "publishedAt": "2020-09-21T13:40:06Z", "weight": 101, "imgUrl": "", "url": "", "description": "Hi 各位同學,學校在選課期間把109課表關閉了...\n可能過選課期間才會恢復正常\n有其他問題歡迎到我們粉專回覆!", "expireTime": null, "nextId": 1, "lastId": null}, {"title": "中華武術社 近期活動", "id": 1, "publishedAt": "2020-10-06T10:38:25Z", "weight": 1, "imgUrl": "", "url": "", "description": "中華武術社,歡迎大家來玩哦~\n對我們社團有興趣可以來了解看看喔!!", "expireTime": "2020-10-12T16:00:00Z", "nextId": 2, "lastId": 0}, {"title": "第四屆 攝影培訓營【攝相光年】", "id": 2, "publishedAt": "2020-09-28T11:31:26Z", "weight": 1, "imgUrl": "", "url": "", "description": "歡迎來第四屆x【Framing攝相光年】攝影培訓營\n想學習各種知識?\n喜歡拍照卻找不到人一起?\n剛來到高雄不知道要去哪拍照?\n或是單純想來交朋友?\n你符合上面任何一點,恭喜你。你來對地方了", "expireTi
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
void main() async {
final rocId = '你的身分證';
final client = HttpClient();
List<int> bodyBytes = utf8.encode("uid=$rocId"); // utf8 encode
final request = await client.postUrl(
{ \"page\":1, \"notification\":[ { \"link\":\"\", \"info\":{ \"id\":\"1\", \"title\":\"【公告】停課公告108/05/02_四通四甲- 延伸通識(人文)-世界音樂與多元文化_林世凌老師\", \"department\":\"通識中心\", \"date\":\"2019-05-01 \" } }, { \"link\":\"\", \"info\":{ \"id\":\"2\", \"title\":\"國立高雄科技大學觀光管理系 徵求專案教師\", \"department\":\"觀光系\", \"date\":\"2019-04-18 \" } }, { \"link\":\"\", \"info\":{ \"id\":\"3\", \"title\":\"【第21屆優質通識學生學習檔案e化獲獎名單公告】\", \"department\":\"通識中心\", \"date\":\"2019-04-15 \" } }, { \"link\":\"\", \"info\":{ \"id\":\"4\", \"title\":\"【公告】停課公告108/05/01_四通一甲- 核心(二)生命與倫理_李翠花老師\", \"department\":\"通識中心\", \"date\":\"2019-04-10 \" } }, { \"link\":\"\", \"info\":{ \"id\":\"5\", \"title\":\"【公告】教室異動及補課時間108/04/17_ 四通一甲-核心(二)生命與倫理-李翠花老師\", \"department\":\"通識中心\", \"date\":\"2019-04-10 \" } }, { \"l
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968:C 26 Feb 2019 05:02:24.127 * DB saved on disk
968:C 26 Feb 2019 05:02:24.128 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:02:24.193 * Background saving terminated with success
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:07:25.027 * 100 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:07:25.028 * Background saving started by pid 969
969:C 26 Feb 2019 05:07:25.071 * DB saved on disk
969:C 26 Feb 2019 05:07:25.072 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:07:25.129 * Background saving terminated with success
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:12:26.082 * 100 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
1:M 26 Feb 2019 05:12:26.083 * Background saving started by pid 970
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'xpath' - - [26/Feb/2019:05:35:15 +0000] "GET /latest/ap/semester HTTP/1.1" 500 0 "-" "-" - 1104102146 [26/Feb/2019:05:35:16 +0000] "GET /latest/token HTTP/1.1" 200 280 "-" "Dart/2.1 (dart:io)"
2019-02-26 05:35:16,448 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2019-02-26 05:35:16,450 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT AS news_id, news.title AS news_title, news.content AS news_content, AS news_link, news.image AS news_image, news.weight AS
FROM news
2019-02-26 05:35:16,450 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
2019-02-26 05:35:16,452 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ROLLBACK - 1104102146 [26/Feb/2019:05:35:16 +0000] "GET /latest/news/all HTTP/1.1" 200 484 "-" "Dart/2.1 (dart:io)"
python train self True True
Using TensorFlow backend.
Loading word list...
word list : 39504
Load lexicons...
AFINN lexicon : 3474
Sentiment140 lexicon : 62468
Sentistrength lexicon : 2674
[{"week": "預備週", "events": ["(2/1) 107 學年度第二學期開始/開學日前休退學,免繳學雜費 ", "(2/4 ~ 2/7) 除夕及春節假期 ", "(2/8) 春節假期彈性放假一天 ", "(2/15) 前一學期研究所畢業生離校手續截止日 "]}, {"week": "第一週", "events": ["(2/18) 第二學期註冊日、開始上課 ", "(2/18) 休退學,學雜費全額退費 ", "(2/18) 研究生申請學位考試 ", "(2/18 ~ 2/22) 學分數抵免/輔系、雙主修申請 ", "(2/19) 休退學,學雜費退還三分之二 ", "(2/23) 和平紀念日彈性放假補行上班上課 "]}, {"week": "第二週", "events": ["(2/26 ~ 3/4) 第二學期課程加退選 ", "(2/28) 和平紀念日(放假一天) ", "(3/1) 和平紀念日彈性放假一天 "]}, {"week": "第三週", "events": ["(3/4 ~ 3/15) 轉部申請 "]}, {"week": "第六週", "events": ["(3/25 ~ 6/6) 申請課程停修 ", "(3/29) 申請休退學者,學雜費退還三分之二 "]}, {"week": "第七週", "events": ["(4/1) 申請休退學者,學雜費退還三分之一 ", "(4/4) 兒童節(放假一天) ", "(4/5) 民族掃墓節(放假一天) ", "(4/3 ~ 5/6) 第二學期期中預警調查 "]}, {"week": "第八週", "events": ["(4/8) 校運會補假一天 "]}, {"week": "第九週", "events": ["(4/15 ~ 4/19) 第二學期期中考試 ", "(4/15 ~ 4/28) 教師期中成績登錄 "]}, {"week": "第十一週", "events": ["(4/29 ~ 5/10) 轉系申請 "]}, {"week": "第十二週", "events": ["(5/10) 申請休退學者,學雜費退還三分之一 "]}, {"week": "第十三週", "events": ["(5/13) 申請休退學者,所繳各費均不退還 "]}, {"week": "第十六週", "events": ["(6/7) 端午節(放假