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Solver for puzzles in 999
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-}
module Solver999 where
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
--- Splits a number into a list of decimal digits.
decimalDigits :: Int -> [Int]
decimalDigits n
-- No upper digits left, return the current one.
| left == 0 = [cur]
-- Get digits of right part of the number and append this one.
| otherwise = decimalDigits left ++ [cur]
-- Get integer division and modulo of a number
-- left: integer division, cur: modulo
where (left, cur) = n `divMod` 10
-- Get a digital root for given digits.
digitalRoot :: [Int] -> Int
digitalRoot digits
| s < 10 = s
| otherwise = digitalRoot $ decimalDigits s
where s = sum digits
-- Check validity of a group w.r.t. door.
acceptableGroup :: Int -> Set Int -> Bool
acceptableGroup d xs = len >= 3 && len <= 5 && digitalRoot (S.toList xs) == d
where len = S.size xs
-- Update an item in vector by index, using given function.
updateVector :: Int -> (a -> a) -> Vector a -> Vector a
updateVector i upd v = v V.// [(i, upd (v V.! i))]
-- Get all possible splits of unique items to N baskets.
-- For example, possible splits of [1, 2] into baskets ["a", "b"] are:
-- * [("a", [1, 2]), ("b", [])]
-- * [("a", [1]), ("b", [2])]
-- * [("a", [2]), ("b", [1])]
-- * [("a", []), ("b", [1, 2])]
-- Returns maps from basket to items in it.
splitToBaskets :: (Ord k, Ord a) => Set k -> Set a -> [Map k (Set a)]
splitToBaskets basketNames = make . S.toList
-- If there are no items, return empty baskets.
where make [] = [M.fromSet (const S.empty) basketNames]
-- If there are items left, get all possible splits without one item and add this item to each basket in turn.
make (x:xs) = [ M.adjust (S.insert x) k baskets -- Return baskets with x inserted into basket with name k...
| baskets <- make xs -- For all splits without x...
, k <- S.toList basketNames -- and for all basket names k
-- Get all possible splits of unique items to arbitrary sized groups.
-- For example, possible groups for [1, 2, 3] are:
-- * [[1], [2], [3]]
-- * [[1, 2], [3]]
-- * [[2], [1, 3]]
-- * [[3], [1, 2]]
-- * [[1, 2, 3]]
splitToGroups :: forall a. Ord a => Set a -> [[Set a]]
splitToGroups = map V.toList . make . S.toList
where make :: [a] -> [Vector (Set a)]
make [] = [V.singleton S.empty]
make [x] = [V.singleton (S.singleton x)]
make (x:xs) = concatMap makeOne $ make xs
where makeOne groups = V.cons (S.singleton x) groups : map insertOne [0..V.length groups - 1]
where insertOne i = updateVector i (S.insert x) groups
-- Given a set of people and set of doors, determine possible all-people solutions.
assignDoors :: Set Int -> Set Int -> [Map Int [Set Int]]
assignDoors doors people = concatMap (M.traverseWithKey tryGroups) $ splitToBaskets doors people
where tryGroups door = filter (all (\xs -> S.null xs || acceptableGroup door xs)) . splitToGroups
-- Combinations of N objects by K.
combinations :: Ord a => Int -> Set a -> [Set a]
combinations n0 = make n0 . S.toList
where make 0 _ = [S.empty]
make k lst = [ S.insert x rest
| x:xs <- tails lst
, rest <- make (k - 1) xs
-- Breadth-first search for a pins puzzle solution.
pinsSolution :: [(Set Int, Set Int)]
-- At each step we maintain a map of possible pin states (which ones are activated) to solution path.
-- We start with a single entry: all pins disable, with empty solution path (you don't need to do anything to get into that state).
-- Each step we derive a map of new states and merge it with old ones. Notice that this way if two solution paths converges at some point into one state they will be joined.
pinsSolution = refine $ M.singleton (V.snoc (V.replicate 8 False) True) []
where refine states = case M.lookup (V.replicate 9 True) states of
-- We check if there is a path that gets us to all pins activated. If there is, we stop the process and return the path.
-- Reversed because we add steps to the beginning of the path list during procedure.
Just v -> reverse v
_ -> refine $ M.fromList [ (update p1 $ update p2 state, step : way)
-- Get old states
| (state, way) <- M.toList states
-- Try all possible steps
, step@(p1, p2) <- combs
-- This function updates the state given old one and a performed step.
update p = updateVector (digitalRoot (S.toList p) - 1) not
pins = S.fromList [1..9]
combs = [ (c1, c2)
| c1 <- combinations 3 pins
, c2 <- combinations 3 (pins S.\\ c1)
-- Solution for the magic square puzzle.
pins2Solution :: [Vector Int]
pins2Solution = filter check $ map (\(splitAt 4 -> (a1, a2)) -> V.fromList (a1 ++ [5] ++ a2)) $ permutations ([1..4] ++ [6..9])
where check vec = all ((== 15) . sum . map (vec V.!)) lineIndices
lineIndices = map (map (\(x, y) -> y * 3 + x)) lines
lines = [ map (x, ) [0..2]
| x <- [0..2]
++ [ map (, y) [0..2]
| y <- [0..2]
++ [ [(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)]
, [(2,0), (1,1), (0,2)]
studySolution :: [(Int, Int)]
studySolution = refine $ M.singleton initialState []
where refine states = case find (checkBoard . fst) $ M.toList states of
Just (_, v) -> reverse v
_ -> refine $ M.fromList [ (update step state, step : way)
| (state, way) <- M.toList states
, step@(x, y) <- combs
size = 3
board = V.fromList [ 13, 6, 4
, 1, 15, 5
, 9, 11, 12
initialState = V.fromList [ True, True, False
, True, True, True
, True, True, False
wanted = [ ([0, 1, 2], 10)
, ([3, 4, 5], 21)
, ([6, 7, 8], 21)
, ([0, 3, 6], 10)
, ([1, 4, 7], 21)
, ([2, 5, 8], 21)
checkBoard state = all (\(path, s) -> sum (map (\i -> if state V.! i then board V.! i else 0) path) == s) wanted
update step state = state V.// map swapPoint (neighbours step)
where swapPoint p@(x, y) =
let i = y * size + x
in (i, not $ state V.! i)
neighbours (x, y) = filter (\(x, y) -> x >= 0 && x < size && y >= 0 && y < size)
[ (x - 1, y), (x, y), (x + 1, y)
, (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)
combs = [ (x, y) | x <- [0..size - 1], y <- [0..size - 1] ]
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