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Last active March 16, 2016 13:01
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Meteor.js - Multiplayer Meteor Login Logic. @aaronthorp

Meteor.js - Multiplayer Game Logic

Code implementation for simple multiplayer on login. Requrires accounts-entry or similar login forms and profile-online

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if (Meteor.isClient) {
Deps.autorun(function() {
Subs_Games = Meteor.subscribe("myGames", Meteor.userId());
}); = function() {
return GameCollection.findOne({current: true});
"click #newGame": function() {'newGame');
"click #finishGame": function() {
var game = GameCollection.findOne({current: true});'finishGame', game._id);
GameCollection = new Meteor.Collection("games");
<template name="home">
<p>Welcome to my new meteor multiplayer app</p>
<p><strong> Current Game Status: </strong>
Game is in play! <a href="#" id="finishGame">Finish the Game</a>.
{{#if game.finished}}
Game Completed or other player left. <a href="#" id="newGame">Start a New Game</a>.
Waiting for new player to login...or <a href="#" id="newGame">Find a New Game</a> by an online user.
<p><strong> Current Game ID: </strong>{{game._id}}</p>
<p><strong> Current Game Player Count: </strong>{{game.players.length}}</p>
<p><strong> Current Game Active: </strong>{{}}</p>
<p><a href="{{pathFor 'entrySignOut'}}">Logout</a></p>
if (Meteor.isServer) {
newGame: function() {
finishGame: function(_id) {
GameCollection.update({_id: _id}, {$set: {active: false, finished: true}});
Meteor._onLogin = function (userId) {
console.log(userId + "just logged in.")
Meteor._onLogout = function (userId) {
console.log(userId + "just logged out.")
allocateGame = function(userId) {
var gameWaiting = GameCollection.findOne({players: {$size: 1}});
if (!gameWaiting) {
console.log("creating a new game, none available");
GameCollection.update({players: userId}, {$set: {current: false}}, {multi: true});
GameCollection.insert({players: [userId], active: false, finished: false, current: true});
} else {
if (_.contains(gameWaiting.players, userId)) {
console.log("Cannot play with yourself. But you can stay waiting in the game.")
} else {
console.log("connecting with an existing waiting player");
GameCollection.update({_id: gameWaiting._id}, {$set: {active: true}, $push: {players: userId}});
leaveGames = function(userId) {
console.log("leaving all unfinished games");
GameCollection.remove({$and: [{players: userId, players: {$size: 1}}]});
var games = GameCollection.find({$and: [{players: userId, active: true}]});
games.forEach(function(game) {
GameCollection.update({_id: game._id}, {$set: {active: false, finished: true}});
Meteor.publish('myGames', function() {
if (!this.userId) {
console.log('MyGames Un-Publish');
//return [];
} else {
console.log('MyGames Publish: U-'+this.userId);
return GameCollection.find({players: this.userId});
allocateGame = function(userId) {
var gameWaiting = GameCollection.findOne({players: {$size: 1}});
if (!gameWaiting) {
console.log("creating a new game, none available");
GameCollection.update({players: userId}, {$set: {current: false}}, {multi: true});
GameCollection.insert({players: [userId], active: false, finished: false, current: true});
} else {
if (_.contains(gameWaiting.players, userId)) {
console.log("Cannot play with yourself. But you can stay waiting in the game.")
} else {
console.log("connecting with an existing waiting player");
GameCollection.update({_id: gameWaiting._id}, {$set: {active: true}, $push: {players: userId}});
leaveGames = function(userId) {
console.log("leaving all unfinished games");
GameCollection.remove({$and: [{players: userId, players: {$size: 1}}]});
var games = GameCollection.find({$and: [{players: userId, active: true}]});
games.forEach(function(game) {
GameCollection.update({_id: game._id}, {$set: {active: false, finished: true}});
Meteor.publish('myGames', function() {
if (!this.userId) {
console.log('MyGames Un-Publish');
//return [];
} else {
console.log('MyGames Publish: U-'+this.userId);
return GameCollection.find({players: this.userId});
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