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Created September 20, 2011 15:55
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jQuery Tooltip Plugin
* jQuery Tooltip Plugin
*@requires jQuery v1.2.6
* Copyright (c) Hernan Amiune (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Version: 1.0
(function($){ $.fn.tooltip = function(options){
var defaults = {
cssClass: "", //CSS class or classes to style the tooltip
delay : 0, //The number of milliseconds before displaying the tooltip
duration : 100, //The number of milliseconds after moving the mouse cusor before removing the tooltip.
xOffset : 15, //X offset will allow the tooltip to appear offset by x pixels.
yOffset : 15, //Y offset will allow the tooltip to appear offset by y pixels.
opacity : 0, //0 is completely opaque and 100 completely transparent
fadeDuration: 100, //[toxi20090112] added fade duration in millis (default = "normal")
useAjax : false //[Aaron] added useAjax as option
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function(index) {
var $this = $(this);
//use just one div for all tooltips
// [toxi20090112] allow the tooltip div to be already present (would break currently)
if($tooltip.length == 0){
$tooltip = $('<div id="divTooltip"></div>');
//displays the tooltip
$this.mouseover( function(e){
//compatibility issue
e = e ? e : window.event;
//don't hide the tooltip if the mouse is over the element again
//set the tooltip class
//save the title text and remove it from title to avoid showing the default tooltip
//set the tooltip content
// [toxi20090112] only use ajax if there actually is an href attrib present
var href=$this.attr("href");
// [Peter] href!="" added
// [Aaron] added useAjax option
if(defaults.useAjax && href!=undefined && href!="" && href != "#")
//set the tooltip position
winw = $(window).width();
w = $tooltip.width();
xOffset = options.xOffset;
//right priority
if(w+xOffset+50 < winw-e.clientX)
$tooltip.css("left", $(document).scrollLeft() + e.clientX+xOffset);
else if(w+xOffset+50 < e.clientX)
$tooltip.css("left", $(document).scrollLeft() + e.clientX-(w+xOffset));
//there is more space at left, fit the tooltip there
if(e.clientX > winw/2){
$tooltip.css("left", $(document).scrollLeft() + 25);
//there is more space at right, fit the tooltip there
$tooltip.css("left", $(document).scrollLeft() + e.clientX+xOffset);
winh = $(window).height();
h = $tooltip.height();
yOffset = options.yOffset;
//top position priority
if(h+yOffset + 50 < e.clientY)
$tooltip.css("top", $(document).scrollTop() + e.clientY-(h+yOffset));
else if(h+yOffset + 50 < winh-e.clientY)
$tooltip.css("top", $(document).scrollTop() + e.clientY+yOffset);
$tooltip.css("top", $(document).scrollTop() + 10);
//start the timer to show the tooltip
//[toxi20090112] modified to make use of fadeDuration option
$"showTimeoutId", setTimeout("$tooltip.fadeIn("+options.fadeDuration+")",options.delay));
//restore the title
//don't show the tooltip if the mouse left the element before the delay time
//start the timer to hide the tooltip
//[toxi20090112] modified to make use of fadeDuration option
$"hideTimeoutId", setTimeout("$tooltip.fadeOut("+options.fadeDuration+")",options.duration));
if (defaults.useAjax) e.preventDefault();
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