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aaronpeters / curl-requests-to-origin-h2.txt
Last active September 18, 2024 11:21
Suitable - troubleshooting error response from Cloudflare on www
# Value of cookie request header is 5339 bytes:
curl -svo /dev/null --resolve -H 'cookie: SUITASESS=kmst9i3rbj2v59o4fs0t4em7o799sjt41uuq6cj01i8lbm9usik9eg7uistn6fmpb7gvumjj8nesvriuced1025q8sipblb90a4mp70s29o75u7ga422eo2fn8iscs0g; http_lndspg=m%3A2%7CyoqN%2FzSVOJE4xQ5JvItmWw%3D%3D; listing_history=m%3A1%3A2%7Czh9yuROI5AMRI9mV0n031r0bjce62JEMHUYck9fvgpxXTGVkmKaEe0N9DyNDeXTg; lstvst=1726650646674; country_check=1; searchFieldAnimateCookie=1; last_routekey=categories_id=17; scrollPosLastPage=; sessionSource=other; trytagging_snapshot={"userId":"0c783fd5-370b-9bf4-6e39-4648c0a4ced5","sessionId":"1726650518","sessionCount":"1","lastAccessTime":"1726650647","_fbp":"fb.1.1726650578885.278876253961962394","first_visit":"true"}; tggng_mo=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiMGM3ODNmZDUtMzcwYi05YmY0LTZlMzktNDY0OGMwYTRjZWQ1Iiwic2Vzc2lvbl9pZCI6IjE3MjY2NTA1MTgiLCJzZXNzaW9uX2NvdW50IjoiMSIsImZicCI6ImZiLjEuMTcyNjY1MDU3ODg4NS4yNzg4NzYyNTM5Nj
aaronpeters / hn-onetrust-overlay-paragraphs-20240806.html
Last active August 6, 2024 07:45
OneTrust overlay HTML in onetrust-policy-text div
<p style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
Op en daarbuiten laten we je
graag persoonlijke en relevante informatie zien.
<p style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
Wij (en onze partners) verzamelen en analyseren daarom internetgedrag met <a href="">cookies</a> en vergelijkbare technieken. Lees het <a href="">privacybeleid</a>.
<p style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
Klik op “Accepteren” als je akkoord gaat met alle cookies.
aaronpeters / specrules-prefetch-suitable.js
Last active May 27, 2024 08:11
Speculation Rules Suitable
if (
HTMLScriptElement.supports &&
) {
const specScript = document.createElement("script");
specScript.type = "speculationrules";
specRules = {
prefetch: [
where: {
aaronpeters / cdnfinder-cdndata-example.js
Created April 16, 2024 07:26
CDN Finder tool - example CDN detection data
/** @type {cdn} */
const cdn = {
name: "Example CDN",
cname: [
ptr: ['examplecdn'],
asns: ['1234'],
headers: [
aaronpeters / medianova-purge-speed-first-data.js
Created March 2, 2024 12:40
Medianova purge speed - first data
// purgeTime = time to purge has completed in that location
// = highest of purge times in a location
// purgeRequest.ok = time until API has responded to the purge request
// purgeRequest = number of times purge by API failed (error) or timed out (timeout)
const firstData = [
"ts": "2024-03-01",
"data": {
"purgeTime": {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="example2-visualization" style="width: 600px; height: 360px; padding: 10px;"></div>
<button id="example2-b1">Toon 21e eeuw</button>
// JavaScript
google.charts.load('current', {packages:['corechart']});
function init() {
aaronpeters /
Last active December 18, 2023 07:50
CDN Finder - JS vs No JS page - duration of worst INPs where element is form input field

Mobile only. CrUX data shows INP is not Good on CDN Finder page, p75 is ~ 400 ms.

Page with JS is the page in production,

I'm tracking worst INP with web vitals lib (with attribution).

Data shows INP is much higher for interactions with the form input field compared to clicking on the pink button. I've spent quite some time debugging (incl. turning off Google Analytics) and I don't understand the high INP. My analyis/debugging shows keydown and keyup is not the culprit, those interactions have low INP.

aaronpeters / cdnfinder-nojs-mobile-beacon.json
Created December 15, 2023 13:06
CDN Finder No JS on mobile beacon (Aaron's phone)
"context": {
"clientIp": "",
"country": "NL",
"deviceMemory": 4,
"mobile": "?1",
"platform": "\"Android\"",
"ua": "\"Not_A Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"120\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"120\""
"duration": 408,
aaronpeters / rv-inp-beacon.json
Created December 12, 2023 08:29
RV beacon voor INP
"domain_tag": "953B05AE1D",
"domain_string": "",
"url_string": "/",
"url_uuid": "1f8514f2-1450-447e-9186-a9702d736613",
"session_id": "2d9063ca-6234-4f10-87a1-62ecaa3a51fc",
"request_id": "2ce17f35-4501-48cf-a7a3-fe963d2f955f",
"inserts": [
"type": "request",
aaronpeters / highlight-worstInp-on-page-from-console.js
Last active December 5, 2023 10:01
Highlight worst INP on page from console
// Paste code below in console after page load and
// before interacting with page
const getName = (node) => {
const name = node.nodeName;
return node.nodeType === 1
? name.toLowerCase()
: name.toUpperCase().replace(/^#/, '');