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Created March 6, 2017 06:06
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Make words
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Hunspell;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var dictionary = HunspellDictionary.FromFile(@"C:\projects\HunspellNetCore\samples\English (American).dic");
var words = GenerateAllWords(dictionary).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x, dictionary.Affix.StringComparer).ToList();
public static bool TryAppend(PrefixEntry prefix, string word, out string result)
if (prefix.Conditions.IsStartingMatch(word) && word.StartsWith(prefix.Strip))
result = prefix.Append + word.Substring(prefix.Strip.Length);
return true;
result = null;
return false;
public static bool TryAppend(SuffixEntry suffix, string word, out string result)
if (suffix.Conditions.IsEndingMatch(word) && word.EndsWith(suffix.Strip))
result = word.Substring(0, word.Length - suffix.Strip.Length) + suffix.Append;
return true;
result = null;
return false;
static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAllWords(HunspellDictionary dictionary)
string combined;
foreach (var wordEntry in dictionary.WordList.AllEntries)
yield return wordEntry.Word;
var allPrefixesForWord = dictionary.Affix.Prefixes.Where(p => wordEntry.ContainsFlag(p.AFlag));
foreach (var prefixEntry in allPrefixesForWord.SelectMany(p => p.Entries))
if (TryAppend(prefixEntry, wordEntry.Word, out combined))
yield return combined;
var allSuffixesForWord = dictionary.Affix.Suffixes.Where(s => wordEntry.ContainsFlag(s.AFlag));
foreach (var suffixEntry in allSuffixesForWord.SelectMany(s => s.Entries))
if (TryAppend(suffixEntry, wordEntry.Word, out combined))
yield return combined;
foreach (var prefixEntry in allPrefixesForWord.Where(p => p.AllowCross).SelectMany(p => p.Entries))
string withPrefix;
if (TryAppend(prefixEntry, wordEntry.Word, out withPrefix))
foreach (var suffixEntry in allSuffixesForWord.Where(s => s.AllowCross).SelectMany(s => s.Entries))
if (TryAppend(suffixEntry, withPrefix, out combined))
yield return combined;
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