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Alessandro Metta a-metta

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a-metta / Mac OS X 10_5_ Windows Ctrl.xml
Created April 3, 2022 03:20 — forked from fljot/Mac OS X 10_5_ Windows Ctrl.xml
AutoHotkey mappings to emulate OSX keyboard shortcuts on Windows
<!-- put this to IDEA keymaps config folder. For v13 it is <userdir>\.IntelliJIdea13\config\keymaps\ -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<keymap version="1" name="Mac OS X 10.5+ Windows Ctrl" parent="Mac OS X 10.5+">
<action id="$Copy">
<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="meta C" />
<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="meta INSERT" />
<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="control C" />
<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="control INSERT" />
<action id="$Cut">
a-metta /
Created April 3, 2022 03:00 — forked from ascendbruce/
Use macOS-style shortcuts in Windows

Use macOS-style shortcuts in Windows / keyboard mappings using a Mac keyboard on Windows

Make Windows PC's shortcut act like macOS (Mac OS X) (using AutoHotkey (ahk) script)

With this AutoHotKey script, you can use most macOS style shortcuts (eg, cmd+c, cmd+v, ...) on Windows with a standard PC keyboard.

How does it work

Here's some examples of how this script work:

a-metta / Windows Dev Setup
Last active April 2, 2020 21:56
Chocolatey packages installs
# Configure Windows
#Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
#Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
#cinst -y Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -source windowsFeatures
# one liner
cinst -y git.install poshgit gitkraken firacode-ttf zeal golang curl wget putty php python python2 vlc filezilla opera calibre fiddler audacity greenshot 7zip.install putty.install ccleaner itunes dropbox gimp inkscape sysinternals
# Packages
a-metta / modules.txt
Last active April 14, 2017 23:31
List of modules
Form Modules
a-metta / snippets.js
Last active February 20, 2018 22:23
Learn redux snippets #javascript
// This enables hot loading for reducers
if ( {'./reducers/', () => {
// using require because the import syntax is required to be declared
// at the top of the file
const nextRootReducer = rquire('./reducers/index').default;
a-metta /
Created March 30, 2017 21:08 — forked from mxstbr/
Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

This guide assumes you have the emmet and language-babel packages already installed in Atom

Gif of the tab completion working

  1. Open the keymap.cson file by clicking on Atom -> Keymap… in the menu bar
  2. Add these lines of code to your keymap:
a-metta / commit-msg
Created March 16, 2017 08:41
Git commit message hook
files=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep '\.jsx\?$')
# Prevent ESLint help message if no files matched
if [[ $files = "" ]] ; then
exit 0
for file in ${files}; do