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Last active June 5, 2018 20:42
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  • Save Znuff/316b4b35f62e6bb5ea12cb3d496730c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Znuff/316b4b35f62e6bb5ea12cb3d496730c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
explorer_height=$(curl -s
latest_hash=$(curl -s$explorer_height)
block_to_check=$((explorer_height - 3))
explorer_hash=$(curl -s$block_to_check)
# environment setup, make it pretty
tred=$(tput setaf 1); tgreen=$(tput setaf 2); tyellow=$(tput setaf 3); tblue=$(tput setaf 4); tmagenta=$(tput setaf 5); tcyan=$(tput setaf 6); treset=$(tput sgr0); tclear=$(tput clear); twbg=$(tput setab 7)
# quick check for jq
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -yqq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 jq
echo $tclear
function do_reindex() {
gravium-cli stop
sleep 2
killall -9 graviumd
rm -rf /root/.graviumcore/{banlist,fee_estimates,governance,mncache,mnpayments,netfulfilled,peers}.dat
rm -rf /root/.graviumcore/{blocks,chainstate,database,debug.log}
[[ $addnodes =~ "addnode" ]] && echo "$tred""Warning!$treset Your config has hardcoded$tcyan addnode=$treset. This is not recommended."
echo ""
echo "Explorer is at block height: $tcyan$explorer_height$treset => $tmagenta$latest_hash$treset"
echo "Checking the previous block: $tyellow$block_to_check$treset => $tgreen$explorer_hash$treset"
echo ""
echo "Checking for masternode debug: $tcyan$(gravium-cli masternode debug 2> /dev/null)$treset"
echo "Checking for masternode status: $tcyan$(gravium-cli masternode status 2>/dev/null | jq .status)$treset"
echo ""
mnsync_status=$(gravium-cli mnsync status)
echo -n "Checking for sync status: "
if [[ $mnsync_status =~ "MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED" ]]; then
echo "$tgreen OK$treset."
while [[ ! $mnsync_status =~ "MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED" ]]; do
sleep 3
mnsync_status=$(gravium-cli mnsync status)
echo -n "$tred"".""$treset"
echo "$tgreen OK$treset."
addnodes=$(cat /root/.graviumcore/gravium.conf 2>/dev/null)
local_block_height=$(gravium-cli getblockcount)
block_difference=$((explorer_height - local_block_height))
if (( block_difference == 0 )); then
echo "Your node is on the same block ($tyellow$explorer_height$treset) as the Explorer. This is$tgreen good$treset."
elif (( block_difference > 100)); then
echo "Your node is more than$tred 100$treset blocks behind. This is$tred bad$treset. Triggering cleanup & reindex. You can run this script again in a few minutes."
exit 1
elif (( block_difference < 4 )); then
echo "Your node is $tmagenta$block_difference$treset blocks behind. We can work with this."
echo -n "Checking block hashes..."
local_blockhash_result=$(gravium-cli getblockhash $block_to_check)
if [[ $explorer_hash != $local_blockhash_result ]]; then
echo ""
echo "Your node's block height seems to be the same as the Explorer, but you seem to be on a different chain. Possibly that the block chain has split."
echo "Your block $tyellow$block_to_check$treset => $tred$local_blockhash_result$treset"
echo "Explorer's $tyellow$block_to_check$treset => $tgreen$explorer_hash$treset".
echo "We are triggering a clean up & reindex. Please run this script again in a few minutes."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "You're$tgreen good$treset."
echo ""
echo "If your node is still not$tgreen ENABLED$treset, please try starting it again from your wallet."
echo ""
exit 0
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