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Zen Liu ZenLiuCN

  • China Sichuan
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ZenLiuCN / VertX.xml
Last active August 26, 2024 08:55
VertX templates
<templateSet group="VertX">
<template name="ieEntity" value=" record $name$(&#10; $CTX$ ctx,&#10; io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlConnection tx,&#10; $ELE$X.DataJson data&#10; ) implements Entities&lt;$ELE$, $ELE$X.DataJson, $name$&gt; {&#10; static $name$ of( $CTX$ ctx,&#10; io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlConnection tx,&#10; $ELE$X.DataJson data){&#10; return new $name$(ctx,tx,data);&#10; }&#10; @Override&#10; public $name$ $it() {&#10; return this;&#10; }&#10;&#10; @Override&#10; public java.util.function.Function&lt;$ELE$, $ELE$X.DataJson&gt; $toJson() {&#10; return $ELE$X::fromAsJson;&#10; }&#10;&#10; @Override&#10; public java.util.function.Function&lt;$ELE$X.DataJson, $name$&gt; $ctor() {&#10; return d -&gt; new $name$(ctx, tx, d);&#10; }&#10; }" description="Entity template" toReformat="true" toShortenFQNames="tr
ZenLiuCN / protobuf.ts
Last active June 26, 2024 05:21
a brower only protobuf's buffer writer and reader, see protobuf.js for the orignal project (
const charCodeAt = String.prototype.charCodeAt
const fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
export const MaxInt = 4294967296
export const utf8 = {
length(string) {
let len = 0,
c = 0;
Dim iFile(1 To 100000) As String
Dim count As Integer
Sub xls2xlsx()
iPath = "D:\Dev\project\jvm\pharmacy\Ã×ÄÚÍøÅÅÃû\"
On Error Resume Next
count = 0
zdir iPath
For i = 1 To count
If iFile(i) Like "*.xls" And iFile(i) <> ThisWorkbook.FullName Then
MyFile = iFile(i)



go install &&\
cd src &&\
go-licenses save "" --save_path="../LICENSES"
ZenLiuCN /
Last active November 3, 2023 05:15
Java tips
interface JdkTips{
static void toClipboard(String val){
//java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection($SELECTION$), null);
java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(val), null);
ZenLiuCN / attach_console.go
Created February 5, 2023 09:53
unit for attch to console with windows gui application
//go:build windows
* written by Zen.Liu, License as MIT
package main
import (
s "syscall"
ZenLiuCN / macro_log_unit.h
Last active February 3, 2023 08:22
C Units
// Created by ZenLiu, license MIT
* user's response to open and close file if defined _LOG_FILE_.
ZenLiuCN / PetiteVue_Template.html
Last active January 2, 2022 10:06
PetiteVue Modular Template
body {
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;
ZenLiuCN / sample.go
Last active November 17, 2021 07:33 — forked from chanwit/win32_jit.go
package main
import (
const (
MemCommit = 0x1000
MemReserve = 0x2000
PageExecuteReadwrite = 0x40


fetch process memory

ps -ux --sort rss  | awk 'NR>1 {$6=int(100 * $6/1024)/100"MB";$5=int(100 * $5/1024)/100"MB";}{ print;}'|column -t