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Last active August 15, 2021 14:38
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  • Save Zekt/ca5b5e89670b4fd1043a9016c88fb1c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Showcasing usage of declareData and defineData now being tested in Zekt/agda.
{-# OPTIONS -v meta:5 #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v tc.unquote.def:11 #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v tc.conv.term:21 #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v scope.lhs:60 #-}
--{-# OPTIONS -v scope.operators:60 #-}
open import Reflection
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
import Reflection.Name
import Reflection.Term
import Level as Level
--open import Reflection.Clause
open import Tactic.MonoidSolver
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Show
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.List
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.String renaming (_++_ to _⧺_)
open import Function.Base
open import Relation.Nullary
import Data.Fin
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_;
showTerm′ : Term Term TC ⊤
showTerm′ t hole = do
debugPrint "meta" 2 [ termErr t ]
unify hole (quoteTerm tt)
showType : Name Term TC _
showType t hole = do
t2 getType t
debugPrint "meta" 2 [ termErr t2 ]
unify hole (quoteTerm tt)
showCs : List Name TC ⊤
showCs [] = debugPrint "meta" 2 [ strErr "All constructors printed." ]
showCs (x ∷ l) = getType x >>= λ c
debugPrint "meta" 2 (strErr "Constructor "
∷ nameErr x
∷ strErr (" is defined as:\n" ⧺ (showTerm c))
∷ []) >>
showCs l
showDef′ : Name TC _
showDef′ n = do
getDefinition n >>= λ where
d@(data-type _ cs) do
debugPrint "meta" 2 [ strErr (showDefinition d) ]
showCs cs
d debugPrint "meta" 2 [ strErr (showDefinition d) ]
getType n >>= λ x
debugPrint "meta" 2 (strErr "The type of the declared datatype '"
∷ nameErr n
∷ strErr "' is: "
∷ termErr x
∷ [])
newData : Name Type List (Name × Type) TC ⊤
newData n npars t cs = do
declareData n npars t
defineData n cs
getType n >>= λ x
debugPrint "meta" 2 (strErr "The type of the declared datatype '"
∷ nameErr n
∷ strErr "' is: "
∷ termErr x
∷ [])
--getDefinition n >>= λ where
-- d → debugPrint "meta" 2 [ strErr (showDefinition d) ]
--showDef′ n
printDef "meta" 5 n
newtype′ : ℕ × Type
newtype′ = (1 , (quoteTerm ((idx : ℕ) (A : Set) List A Set)))
newcon′ : Name Term
newcon′ n = (pi (hArg (quoteTerm ℕ))
(abs "idx" (pi (vArg (quoteTerm Set))
(abs "A" (pi (vArg (def (quote List) (vArg (var 0 []) ∷ [])))
(abs "_" (def n (vArg (var 2 [])
∷ vArg (var 1 [])
∷ vArg (var 0 [])
∷ []))))))))
unquoteDecl newtype conpi conpi₁ = do let (t₁ , t₂) = newtype′
newData newtype t₁ t₂ ((conpi , newcon′ newtype)
∷ (conpi₁ , newcon′ newtype)
∷ [])
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