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Last active September 3, 2024 11:45
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Git Notes

Git Notes

Introduction - Brief

Git = Control Version System.

Files have 3 states:

  • commited (aka stored in database)
  • modified (aka changed, not commited)
  • staged (aka a modified version of the file, marked for the next commit)

Each commit has its own unique ID, it is a hash of its containers and its metadata. It must have a perfix of at least 4 chars (unique in repo).

Staging Area

is the virtual space where the changes "go" when we git add. It allows the preparation for any commit git

Special git files

  • .gitignore = file in the main folder which contains a list of files that are ignored by git (so they're not affected by git adds and git statuses). It can contain patterns (*.pyc) and paths to files.



sudo apt-get install git

Set up:

  • git config --global "User Name"
  • git config --global ""

Create a New Project:

  • mkdir project
  • cd project
  • git init (initialise empty git repo in my folder (based on path) aka .git folder)
  • ls -la (check my folder)

Check "world status":

git status

Help for each command

git help <command>

Add files

  • git add . = add all on current branch
  • git add -p <param=file> = add part of file to staging area, ask for each change (if no param => all files) so we have more control and cleaner commits. After any git add, we need a git commit, either a file or a pattern (e.g. *.txt)

Delete a file

  • git rm <filename> = deletes a file, updates git and then commit!
  • git rm --cached <filename>" = delete a previously tracked file

Move a file

git mv <old path> <new path> should be followed by:
git rm <old path>
git add <new path>

Check difference

  • git diff= displays what will be added if i git add, so what changed in the folder and hasn't been updated yet
  • git diff <filename> = displays the alterations of a file (the modified and the commited versions of it)
  • git diff --staged = displays what has already been added and thus what changed will be recorded
  • git diff HEAD = displays changes since last commit

Display history

git-log = displays the history, the chronologival order of commits (based on their IDs), who did them, what was their description
git show <id> = displays what the commit did = git log + git diff

Make an alias

  • git config --global alias.<aliasname> "command(s)"
    git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format: '%(red%h%(green(%cr)%((bold blue)<%an>%(reset' --abbrev -commit"
  • git config --list - displays our aliases

Make archive

git archive --format=zip -o HEAD

Revert to old commit

git log
git checkout <commit hex id>

Cancel not staged changes

git checkout = it copies staging area (usually last commit) to out working copy


git reset - remove all that exists in my staging area by copying them from the most recent commit (basically undoes git add)

Copy a commit to another branch

git cherry-pick <commit> = we copy a commit from a point of the graph, we put it on active branch (therefore creating a copy of the selected commit) - new ID, same changes and description!

Copy changes to new commit

git revert <commit> = inverted add/deletes etc. It cancels the commit that has already happened.


  • git tag -a <tag> = adds tag to last commit of current branch
  • git tag -a <tag> <commit> = add tag to selected commit
  • git tag = shows all tags in repo
  • git tag -d <tag> = deletes a tag

Publish tags

git push <remote> <tag> = publishes tag in remote git fetch --tags <remote> = brings all tags from remote

Serial list of changes

  • git reflog = all the changes
  • git reflog <branch> = changes on our branch
  • git reflog --date=relative = displays changes relative to time

Prune stale references

  • git fetch -p


How many git add <filename> do I need?

Times What it does
1 Tracks <filename>
2 Makes <filename> staged
3 If modified again after staged, we need a thrid git add to stage it again

What does git commit do?

  • commit a file = create a snapshot of the current world state (files, folders & their contents)
  • contains an explanatory message
  • automatically stores metadata (creator, date etc)
  • has a unique (hex) id number
    e.g.: git commit -m "Added README file


  • git commit -a = git add + git commit (not desirable due to lack of control)
  • git pull = git fetch + git merge (very useful)

What is a branch?

It is a version of our code. Branches have a name and are pointing to a commit (there's a different history+past commits depending on our branch, but some commits may be common).
One branche per feature (the smaller the better) so changes happen to the branch, not the master workflow until the final merge. Afterwards, we merge and delete the branch.


  • git branch <name> = creates the branch, it's an exact duplicate of our current/previous branch (they point to the same commit)
  • git branch = returns my current branch
  • git checkout <name> = changes current (HEAD), <name> points to HEAD now
  • git branch -d <name> = deletes this branch (NOT the commits also)
  • git checkout -b <name> = creates a new branch and makes this new branch as our current working one = git branch <name> + git checkout <name>
  • git merge <branch> = merges 's history with my current branch + try to merge changes in files from both the branches => 2 parents in new commit. (Afterwards we find the most recent parent of those two parents => commits of the new branch = commits of parent1 + commits of parent2 => updates master, master in new commit - see schema (1))

schema (1) branch

Note: If you make a branch on terminal and want it to show on GitHub, you need to git push origin branchname first! Note2: After being done with a branch, git checkout <productionbranch>, and then git merge <tesbranch> and then git branch -d <testbranch> (you can delete the testbranch from GitHub's UX)

Master Branch

  • Our default branch after a git init command.
  • (For most projects) it has a 'current' code
  • Usually we create a new branch as a copy of master

References to parental nodes

Symbol Meaning
~ 1 commit behind
^ the first commited parent
~2 commit's grandpa (2 commits back based on ^ (if merged))
^2 second parent from merge

e.g. 192a812~2 = 2 commits before commit #192a812, or HEAD^2

Rewriting History

We can change our commits' sequence, description and changes, but: you should not rewrite a history in commits that others may pull
git commit --amend = changes most recent commit, add to it the staged stuff.
git commit --amend --no-edit = check here

Back Merging

When I work on a branch, it is possible that some changes might have happened on master => we need git merge master and resolve the conflicts. Or...

  • git rebase = like merge but better, it happens between two branches and changes the base where a branch has been made, rewrites its history (clean). Followed by a clean pull request. Generally we merge only for final pull request on each branch.
  • git rebase -i = dynamic: changes the sequence of commit applies changes, fixes multiple commits or can break a commit to many.
  • git reset <commit> (usually git reset HEAD) = returns current branchto , cancels in between changes.

Not for published commits!!

  • git push --force-with-lease or git push --force = if I change history, git denies pushing w/o it.

Git = graph editing system

  • Each commit is a node
  • Each previous commit is a parent node
  • Each branch points to a commit (this allows the creation of branches on the graph)
  • HEAD is our current commit









git stash It is used for hotfixes in branch (meanwhile there are changes in working copy) without commits and checkouts.
Therefore it keeps changes in the working copy and the staging area and thus cleans them up.
We can checkout another branch without committing or losing changes!


  • git stash pop = reapplies the saved working copy


Remotes are copies used to update our code.

GitHub isn't git! GitHub is a site!

GitHub's features

  • fork = copy a repo to your GitHub account
  • clone = copy at your PC:
    git clone
    git @
    cd git-repo
  • Your PC repo has the site repo as its remote
  • Each repo copy has it's own commits/branches/history (some may be common)
  • Each remote has its own URL & name


  • git remote = shows repo's remotes
  • git remote add <name> <url>
  • git remote rm <name>


Origin = repo's copy to our GitHub (automatically made when cloning)
If you want to publish your code: git push origin master = sends master's local commits to remote's master named origin If you want to get your code: git pull origin master = brings commits at our local master from remote's master named origin


If someone else pushed in the meantime when we're working locally, we can't overwrite their work.

push conflict: A-B-C-D

Can't merge E,D because split => git pull or git pull -rebase (the second keeps E only locally and D is our last state)


A set of extra commands that expand git specifically for GitHub

Intro to PRs

If you want to push to a repo which isn't yours (after forking, cloning, branching, changing and committing our work), we request a pull from the repo's owner (usually at master) so we publish our changes:

  • git push origin feature
  • create pull request (PR) at repo's owner's GitHub
  • Finally, the repo's owner merges, after reviewing them (push anew etc).

Group Workflow

We have a central repo, the developers fork and do their work.
Latest code = master of central repo.
NO-ONE PUSHES TO ANY MASTER: for each change, each person pushes to their fork, PRs to master of control repo, the group reviews and then they merge.
Additionally, each member adds to the central repo an extra remote named 'upstream' (so now each member has 2 remotes: origin - their own and upstream - central).
From upstream master: everyone pulls to local master & pushes to origin master => Syncing master PRs (All: local & remote).
Each member is a contributor to the central repo therefore can merge.

GitHub Issues

Each issue:

  • has a unique ID
  • is a bug or a task (open/resolved)
  • has a description
  • has commits

Issues can be opened even by users who are not the repo's owners. Note: GitHub allows references to links

When we locate a bug on a commit, we backtrack to a previous commit where there was no bug and try to find what caused it in the between commits (current=HEAD), or (see (*)).


  • git commit -m "Refactor code for issue #765
    git commit -m "Closes #765
    or from PR description (similarly)
  • git checkout <commit> = state detached head can't commit, we need to checkout again into a branch (and check code for some time)
  • git checkout <commit> <file> = changes file's contains and brings them into commited state (no new commit/no stage)
  • (*)git bisect:
    git bisect start
    git bisect bad (HEAD is buggy)
    git bisect good <commit> ( is a known bug free commit).
    Basically it asks for each commit if the bug exists, we reply with bisect good/bad
    We stop it by using git bisect reset (last one). Check here too.
  • git blame <file> = marks a file as the culprit

Conflicts can't be automatically merged! Git has changed our file, merges what it can, but the rest is left on us:
Open an editor and look for lines like so: <<<<<, =====, >>>>>
These mark our conflict areas, where we keep all we need and discard what we don't.
Afterwards, we git add each file, git commit (therefore merge) and all is OK!

Basic Git Workflow

  • edit file (e.g. vim)
  • git add <filename>
  • git status
  • git commit -m "Explain what happened"

master Workflow

  • git remote add origin <giturl>
  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
  • git push origin master
  • git checkout -b feature
  • vim && git add && git commit // git add . , git commit -m "msg"
  • git push origin feature
  • hub pull-request -b upstream:master

Workflow Overview

  • git init
  • git commit
  • git commit
  • git checkout -b bugfix
  • git commit
  • git checkout master
  • git checkout -b bname
  • git commit
  • git commit
  • git checkout master
  • git branch -D bname
  • git chckout -b feature ...

Branch Workflow

  • git checkout master
  • git checkout -b parent2
  • vim && git add && git commit (as needed)
  • git checkout master
  • git merge parent2
  • git branch -d parent2

Merge Workflow

  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
  • git push origin master
  • git checkout feature
  • git merge master
  • git push origin feature
  • hub pull-request

Rebase Workflow

  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
  • git push origin master
  • git checkout feature
  • git rebase master
  • git push origin feature
  • hub pull-request

Master - Develop Workflow

  • git checkout develop
  • git pull upstream develop
  • git push origin develop
  • git checkout -b feature
  • changes...
  • git push origin feature
  • hub pull-request -b upstream:develop

Release Workflow

  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream develop
  • git push origin develop
  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
  • git merge develop
  • git tag -a v2.0
  • git push origin master
  • git push origin v2.0
  • git push upstream master, v2.0


git diff                        # shows edits
git stash                       # stashes code
git stash pop                   # removed code from stash
git stash save "edit"           # save a stash named "edit"
git stash list                  # shows stashes w/ index 
git stash apply 0               # applies stashed state with index 0

Staging changes

git status                      # shows current state
git commit -am                  # add files & commit at the same time                
                                # less granular control
git add -p                      # accept selectively which
                                # changes you wish
                                # to commit interactively
                                # (type y/n & enter to accept
                                # or decline, respectively)

Mistakes & Fixes

Be careful where you push

git push                        # quicker
git push <remote> <branch>      # safer

Undo a commit - NOT pushed

git commit -am "something"
git reset --soft HEAD~1         # one commit back
git status                      # now back to staged

Challenge: Rename a commit & move it to another branch

git add .
git commit -m "something"

git log                         # shows changes
git reset --soft HEAD~1         # undo commit
git checkout -b new-branch      # create new branch
git commit -m "something again" # redo commit with new name
git checkout -d                 # go back to previous banch

Pre-commit and Pythong

Check it here

Amend, Revert

  1. Amend: quickly modify a commit before pushing
git commit --amend -m "foo bar"
  1. Revert: creates a new commit where we can undo our action
git revert <commit hash>    # optionally edit commit message
git log                     # shows the new state without
                            # losing the erroneous commit

git pull after remote forced update


# Erase local changes in feat1 and match the remote Git repo.
git switch feat1
git pull --rebase

# To preserve work in feat1
git switch feat1
git fetch
git reset origin/feat1 --soft

New GitHub repo from existing project from local directory

  1. In the directory containing the project:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit 
  1. On GitHub, create new repo
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin main

Bits & Tips

  1. Your branch and origin have diverged and X and Y different commits each respectively
git fetch origin branchName
git reset --hard origin/branchName
  1. When merge develop to master: NOT SQUASH (keep history of what was merged for PROD)

  2. Tags:

git fetch --tags (brings tags)
git tag (displays all)
git checkout tags/v1.0 -b v1.0 (creates local branch for this tag)

$ git rerere = reuse recorded resolution: git remembers how you've resolved a conflict so it resolves it on its own in the future.

$ git config --global rerere.enabled or .gt/rr-cache

$ git rerere status to verify

$ git rerere diff

How to Use .gitignore and .gitkeep?


  • In Git, the .gitignore file is used to specify which files or directories the change tracking process should ignore.
  • Here you can find ready-made .gitignore templates for various technologies and languages.


  • Not a standard Git element
  • Used to keep track of directories that we wish to keep track of, even if they are empty.

How to keep empty directories using .gitignore

# Ignore everything in this directory
# But do not ignore this .gitignore file



Global Settings


Press minus + shift + s and return to chop/fold long lines!

Show folder content: ls -la


Do not put (external) dependencies in version control!


See where Git is located: which git

Get the version of Git: git --version

Create an alias (shortcut) for git status: git config --global status

Help: git help


Initialize Git: git init

Get everything ready to commit: git add .

Get custom file ready to commit: git add index.html

Commit changes: git commit -m "Message"

Commit changes with title and description: git commit -m "Title" -m "Description..."

Add and commit in one step: git commit -am "Message"

Remove files from Git: git rm index.html

Update all changes: git add -u

Remove file but do not track anymore: git rm --cached index.html

Move or rename files: git mv index.html dir/index_new.html

Undo modifications (restore files from latest commited version): git checkout -- index.html

Restore file from a custom commit (in current branch): git checkout 6eb715d -- index.html


Go back to commit: git revert 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Soft reset (move HEAD only; neither staging nor working dir is changed): git reset --soft 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Undo latest commit: git reset --soft HEAD~

Mixed reset (move HEAD and change staging to match repo; does not affect working dir): git reset --mixed 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Hard reset (move HEAD and change staging dir and working dir to match repo): git reset --hard 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6

Hard reset of a single file (@ is short for HEAD): git checkout @ -- index.html

Update & Delete

Test-Delete untracked files: git clean -n

Delete untracked files (not staging): git clean -f

Unstage (undo adds): git reset HEAD index.html

Update most recent commit (also update the commit message): git commit --amend -m "New Message"


Show branches: git branch

Create branch: git branch branchname

Change to branch: git checkout branchname

Create and change to new branch: git checkout -b branchname

Rename branch: git branch -m branchname new_branchname or: git branch --move branchname new_branchname

Show all completely merged branches with current branch: git branch --merged

Delete merged branch (only possible if not HEAD): git branch -d branchname or: git branch --delete branchname

Delete not merged branch: git branch -D branch_to_delete


True merge (fast forward): git merge branchname

Merge to master (only if fast forward): git merge --ff-only branchname

Merge to master (force a new commit): git merge --no-ff branchname

Stop merge (in case of conflicts): git merge --abort

Stop merge (in case of conflicts): git reset --merge // prior to v1.7.4

Undo local merge that hasn't been pushed yet: git reset --hard origin/master

Merge only one specific commit: git cherry-pick 073791e7

Rebase: git checkout branchname » git rebase master or: git merge master branchname (The rebase moves all of the commits in master onto the tip of branchname.)

Cancel rebase: git rebase --abort

Squash multiple commits into one: git rebase -i HEAD~3 (source)

Squash-merge a feature branch (as one commit): git merge --squash branchname (commit afterwards)


Put in stash: git stash save "Message"

Show stash: git stash list

Show stash stats: git stash show stash@{0}

Show stash changes: git stash show -p stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and drop it: git stash pop stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and do not drop it: git stash apply stash@{0}

Use custom stash item and index: git stash apply --index

Create branch from stash: git stash branch new_branch

Delete custom stash item: git stash drop stash@{0}

Delete complete stash: git stash clear

Gitignore & Gitkeep


Useful templates:

Add or edit gitignore: nano .gitignore

Track empty dir: touch dir/.gitkeep


Show commits: git log

Show oneline-summary of commits: git log --oneline

Show oneline-summary of commits with full SHA-1: git log --format=oneline

Show oneline-summary of the last three commits: git log --oneline -3

Show only custom commits: git log --author="Sven" git log --grep="Message" git log --until=2013-01-01 git log --since=2013-01-01

Show only custom data of commit: git log --format=short git log --format=full git log --format=fuller git log --format=email git log --format=raw

Show changes: git log -p

Show every commit since special commit for custom file only: git log 6eb715d.. index.html

Show changes of every commit since special commit for custom file only: git log -p 6eb715d.. index.html

Show stats and summary of commits: git log --stat --summary

Show history of commits as graph: git log --graph

Show history of commits as graph-summary: git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate


Compare modified files: git diff

Compare modified files and highlight changes only: git diff --color-words index.html

Compare modified files within the staging area: git diff --staged

Compare branches: git diff master..branchname

Compare branches like above: git diff --color-words master..branchname^

Compare commits: git diff 6eb715d git diff 6eb715d..HEAD git diff 6eb715d..537a09f

Compare commits of file: git diff 6eb715d index.html git diff 6eb715d..537a09f index.html

Compare without caring about spaces: git diff -b 6eb715d..HEAD or: git diff --ignore-space-change 6eb715d..HEAD

Compare without caring about all spaces: git diff -w 6eb715d..HEAD or: git diff --ignore-all-space 6eb715d..HEAD

Useful comparings: git diff --stat --summary 6eb715d..HEAD

Blame: git blame -L10,+1 index.html

Releases & Version Tags

Show all released versions: git tag

Show all released versions with comments: git tag -l -n1

Create release version: git tag v1.0.0

Create release version with comment: git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'Message'

Checkout a specific release version: git checkout v1.0.0


Show remote: git remote

Show remote details: git remote -v

Add remote upstream from GitHub project: git remote add upstream

Add remote upstream from existing empty project on server: git remote add upstream ssh://root@

Fetch: git fetch upstream

Fetch a custom branch: git fetch upstream branchname:local_branchname

Merge fetched commits: git merge upstream/master

Remove origin: git remote rm origin

Show remote branches: git branch -r

Show all branches (remote and local): git branch -a

Create and checkout branch from a remote branch: git checkout -b local_branchname upstream/remote_branchname

Compare: git diff origin/master..master

Push (set default with -u): git push -u origin master

Push: git push origin master

Force-Push: `git push origin master --force

Pull: git pull

Pull specific branch: git pull origin branchname

Fetch a pull request on GitHub by its ID and create a new branch: git fetch upstream pull/ID/head:new-pr-branch

Clone to localhost: git clone or: git clone ssh://

Clone to localhost folder: git clone ~/dir/folder

Clone specific branch to localhost: git clone -b branchname

Clone with token authentication (in CI environment): git clone https://oauth2:<token>

Delete remote branch (push nothing): git push origin :branchname or: git push origin --delete branchname


Create a zip-archive: git archive --format zip --output master

Export/write custom log to a file: git log --author=sven --all > log.txt


Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository:


Hide Git on the web via .htaccess: RedirectMatch 404 /\.git (more info here:

Large File Storage


Install: brew install git-lfs

Track *.psd files: git lfs track "*.psd" (init, add, commit and push as written above)

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