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Last active April 22, 2017 03:14
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  • Save Zaggen/9fa841c511944492addf500947ead485 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zaggen/9fa841c511944492addf500947ead485 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Middleware to ease the handling of file uploads with extra data on sails.js (skipper), it relies on the FileManager service
module.exports = injector.set ()->
# Takes all input streams that have the following format
# inputName[file] that contains a stream and inputName[data] that contains metaData
# and combines them together and adds it to the req.body.inputName for easy access
fileParser = (req, res, next)->
if'multipart/form-data') and req._fileparser?
do async =>
streamNames =, 'fieldName')
We start running the streams without waiting for them and each time a new stream is added we run it by calling upload,
then we have an interval checking every 100ms is the parsed was marked by skipper as closed, when that's true we can
safely wait for all the streams, and finally we resolve the promise, or if the timeout fires before we reject it.
uploadedFiles =
if not _.isEmpty(streamNames)
await new Promise((resolve, reject)->
TIMEOUT = 20000
{upstreams} = req._fileparser
tasks =, FileManager.scheduleUpload)
# We proxy the original push method, to push to our task list every time a new stream is added
upstreams.push = (stream)->
tasks.push(FileManager.scheduleUpload(stream)), stream)
startTime = (new Date()).getTime()
intervalId = setInterval(=>
do async =>
fileObjects = await tasks
parsedFileFields = _(upstreams)
.reduce((o, streamName, i)->
_.set(o, streamName, fileObjects[i][0])
return o
, {})
else if (new Date()).getTime() - startTime > TIMEOUT
reject(new Error('Timeout triggered before form closed'))
, 100)
else {}
catch err
console.log err
return res.json({
status: 'error',
title: 'Server Error'
msg: "There was an issue while uploading your images, make sure they are in .jpg/.png and don't exceed 4mb per file"
# We do a basic combination of the uploaded files and req.body so we can iterate over
# file fields even if they don't have associated data i.e an input like image[file] without image[data]
tmpBody = _.extend({}, uploadedFiles, req.body)
req.body = _.reduce(tmpBody, (o, v, k)->
o[k] =
if _.isArray(v), (item, i)->
if _.isObject(item) then parseFileAndData(item, uploadedFiles[k]?[i]?.file)
else item
else if _.isObject(v)
parseFileAndData(v, uploadedFiles[k]?.file)
else v
return o
, {})
return next()
return next()
parseFileAndData = (v, uploadedFile)->
mergedImgObj =
if and uploadedFile then _.extend({}, uploadedFile,
else if then
else if uploadedFile? then uploadedFile
else if v.file is '' then null
else v
if mergedImgObj and ( or mergedImgObj.fd or mergedImgObj.path)
return mergedImgObj
return null
return fileParser
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