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Last active February 23, 2017 16:18
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Traits decorator
declare const _: _.LoDashStatic
export function traits(...traitsList) {
return function decorator(constructor: any) {
const mergedTraits = _.extend.apply(_, traitsList)
const {prototype} = constructor
const {__proto__} = constructor.prototype
const prototypeClone = _.clone(prototype) // We use a clone to avoid getting properties on the proto chain
constructor.prototype = _.extend(prototype, mergedTraits, prototypeClone)
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor
constructor.prototype.__proto__ = __proto__
constructor.prototype._traits = mergedTraits
// Usage
import {movable, killable} from 'game-traits'
@traits(movable, killable)
class Player {
// We can override traits inherited methods (kill comes from killable) and call the original method via this._traits
kill(): void{
console.log('Player is about to die') // Unless you know for sure that the traitFn does not have side effects use with .call or .apply
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