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Created October 29, 2020 20:02
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Implementing Dijkstra from Grokking Algorithms
import java.util.*;
public class Dijkstra {
public static String findLowestNode(HashMap<String, Integer> costs, ArrayList<String> processedNodes) {
String lowestNode = null;
Integer lowestNodeVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (String node : costs.keySet()) {
if (lowestNodeVal > costs.get(node) && !processedNodes.contains(node)) {
lowestNode = node;
lowestNodeVal = costs.get(node);
return lowestNode;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Graph HashMap which stores each node as key and a HashMap as value which consists of neighbours of that node
// as key and their weight as value.
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> start = new HashMap<>();
start.put("a", 6);
start.put("b", 2);
HashMap<String, Integer> b = new HashMap<>();
b.put("a", 3);
b.put("fin", 5);
HashMap<String, Integer> a = new HashMap<>();
a.put("fin", 1);
HashMap<String, Integer> fin = new HashMap<>();
graph.put("start", start);
graph.put("b", b);
graph.put("a", a);
graph.put("fin", fin);
// Costs HashMap
HashMap<String, Integer> costs = new HashMap<>();
costs.put("a", 6);
costs.put("b", 2);
costs.put("fin", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Parents HashMap
HashMap<String, String> parents = new HashMap<>();
parents.put("a", "start");
parents.put("b", "start");
parents.put("fin", null);
ArrayList<String> processedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
String node = findLowestNode(costs, processedNodes);
while (node != null) {
int nodeCost = costs.get(node);
var neighbours = graph.get(node).keySet();
for (String neighbour : neighbours) {
var neighbourCost = graph.get(node).get(neighbour);
var newCost = nodeCost + neighbourCost;
if (newCost < costs.get(neighbour)) {
costs.put(neighbour, newCost);
parents.put(neighbour, node);
node = findLowestNode(costs, processedNodes);
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