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Created September 3, 2019 19:54
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-13.27 script --package text --package turtle --package async
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Text (pack)
import Turtle
type Index = Int
type Port = Int
gossipSeeds :: [(Index, Port)]
gossipSeeds = fmap go [0..2]
go idx = (idx, getIntHttpPort idx)
otherGossipSeeds :: Index -> [(Index, Port)]
otherGossipSeeds idx = filter go gossipSeeds
go (i, _) = i /= idx
formatSeeds :: [(Index, Port)] -> Text
formatSeeds = foldl1 append . fmap go
go (_, port) = "" <> tshow port
append a b = a <> "," <> b
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
tshow = pack . show
getIntTcpPort :: Index -> Int
getIntTcpPort idx = idx * 1000 + 1111
getIntHttpPort :: Index -> Int
getIntHttpPort idx = idx * 1000 + 1113
getExtTcpPort :: Index -> Int
getExtTcpPort idx = idx * 1000 + 1112
getExtHttpPort :: Index -> Int
getExtHttpPort idx = idx * 1000 + 1114
main :: IO ()
main = forConcurrently_ [0..2] $ \idx -> sh $ do
let logFile = "node-" <> tshow (idx + 1) <> ".log"
program =
inproc "./"
[ "--mem-db"
, "--int-ip"
, "--ext-ip"
, "--discover-via-dns false"
, "--cluster-size 3"
, "--int-tcp-port " <> tshow (getIntTcpPort idx)
, "--int-http-port " <> tshow (getIntHttpPort idx)
, "--ext-tcp-port " <> tshow (getExtTcpPort idx)
, "--ext-http-port " <> tshow (getExtHttpPort idx)
, "--gossip-seed " <> (formatSeeds $ otherGossipSeeds idx)
] mempty
output (fromText logFile) program
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