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Created August 30, 2023 21:32
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value class Username private constructor(@JvmField val value: String) {
companion object {
private const val MIN_LENGTH = 5
private const val MAX_LENGTH = 20
fun getOrNull(value: String): Username? = if (value.isValid()) Username(value) else null
private fun String.isValid(): Boolean {
if (length !in MIN_LENGTH..MAX_LENGTH) return false
if (this[0] == '_' || this[lastIndex] == '_' || this[0].isDigit()) return false
for (i in 0..lastIndex) {
val char = this[i]
if (!char.isDigit() && !char.isAlphabet() && char != '_') return false
if (i != lastIndex && char == '_' && this[i + 1] == '_') return false
return true
private fun Char.isAlphabet() = this in 'a'..'z' || this in 'A'..'Z'
private fun Char.isDigit() = this in '0'..'9'
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