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Created February 21, 2018 08:42
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script for sequentially running espresso test on headless android emulators
#emulators=( "$@" )
#usage bash smoketests $ARRAY_OF_AVD_IDS
for emulator in "${emulators[@]}"
echo "emulator name ${emulator}"
#Start the emulator
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -avd ${emulator} -no-audio -no-window & EMULATOR_PID=$!
# Wait for Android to finish booting
WAIT_CMD="${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb wait-for-device shell getprop init.svc.bootanim"
until ${WAIT_CMD} | grep -m 1 stopped; do
echo "Waiting..."
sleep 1
# Unlock the Lock Screen
${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb shell input keyevent 82
# Uninstall app
${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb uninstall $PACKAGE_ID
# Clear and capture logcat
${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb logcat -c
${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/adb logcat > build/logcat.log & LOGCAT_PID=$!
# Run the tests
./gradlew app:connectedAndroidTest -x app:lintDebug -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=$SMOKE_TEST_CLASS; gradlew_return_code=$?
echo "gradle exit code ${gradlew_return_code}"
# Stop the background processes
kill -9 ${LOGCAT_PID}
kill -9 ${EMULATOR_PID}
if [ ${gradlew_return_code} -ne 0 ]
echo "smoke test was failed on ${emulator}, exiting..."
exit 1
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sohailshaikh001 commented Oct 30, 2019

Can we run this script with Jenkins?
I want to run espresso test with the Jenkins on mac mini, will this script work for me?

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