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Created August 9, 2016 18:24
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def test_Zhang_Suen_ported():
I = np.random.randn(10,10)
yield Zhang_Suen_ported, I
$ nosetests
ERROR: test_calculateFVD.test_Zhang_Suen_ported(array([[ 0.47107946, -0.97497669, 1.07764687, -0.04557485, -1.05282552,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\Python\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 198, in runTest
File "<decorator-gen-2>", line 2, in Zhang_Suen_ported
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\f0cl\edenis-confidential\testrepo\edenis-v4msti\tests\calculateFVD\", line 8, in _wrapper
return self.callback(wrapped, _args, _dargs, args, dargs)
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\f0cl\edenis-confidential\testrepo\edenis-v4msti\tests\calculateFVD\", line 22, in callback
mfunc_result = getattr(engine, mfunc_name)(*func_args)
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\Python\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\oct2py\", line 408, in octave_command
return self._call(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\Python\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\oct2py\", line 515, in _call
data = self.eval(cmd, temp_dir=temp_dir, **eval_kwargs)
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\Python\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\oct2py\", line 285, in eval
File "C:\Users\mrbli_000\Desktop\Python\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\oct2py\", line 859, in evaluate
raise Oct2PyError(msg)
oct2py.utils.Oct2PyError: Oct2Py tried to run:
load C:\Users\MRBLI_~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp7szdx883\writer.mat "A__"
[a__] = Zhang_Suen(A__);
save -v6 -mat-binary C:\Users\MRBLI_~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp7szdx883\reader.mat a__
Octave returned:
subscript indices must be either positive integers less than 2^31 or logicals
Ran 1 test in 0.229s
FAILED (errors=1)
function out=Zhang_Suen(I); % Zhang-Suen method is used for binary image skeletonization
luteven = makelut('Zhang_Suen_Even',3); % Create lookup table for odd and even iterations of the Zhang Suen method
lutodd = makelut('Zhang_Suen_Odd',3);
finish_condition = 0; % Set condition to stop iterations
N = 2;
last = I; % Initialize last as original image. 'Last' will then be passed onto 'previous'
previous = applylut(last,lutodd); % Run odd iteration of Zhang Suen method on 'last'
current = applylut(previous,luteven); % Run even interation of Zhang Suen method on 'previous'
while finish_condition == 0; % Iterate so long as finish condition stays at 0
if all(current(:)==last(:)); % If current iteration is the same as the last...
finish_condition = 1; % End iterations
N = N + 1; % Add 1 to N for each iteration
last = previous; % Transfer 'previous' to last
previous = current; % Transfer 'current' to previous
if mod(N,2)==0 % mod(N,2) continually changes between 1 and 0 for each iteration. This is used to change between using odd and even iterations of the Zhang Suen method
current = applylut(current,luteven);
current = applylut(current,luteven);
out = current; % Output is result of final interation. Returns 'current' after no more changes occur
def Zhang_Suen_ported(I) : # Zhang-Suen method is used for binary image skeletonization
luteven = makelut_m('Zhang_Suen_Even',3) # Create lookup table for odd and even iterations of the Zhang Suen method
lutodd = makelut_m('Zhang_Suen_Odd',3) #
finish_condition = 0 # Set condition to stop iterations
N = 2
last = I # Initialize last as original image. 'Last' will then be passed onto 'previous'
previous = applylut_m(last,lutodd) # Run odd iteration of Zhang Suen method on 'last'
current = applylut_m(previous,luteven) # Run even interation of Zhang Suen method on 'previous'
while finish_condition == 0: # Iterate so long as finish condition stays at 0
if (current==last).all: # If current iteration is the same as the last...
finish_condition = 1 # End iterations
N = N + 1 # Add 1 to N for each iteration
last = previous # Transfer 'previous' to last
previous = current # Transfer 'current' to previous
if (N%2 == 0):
current = applylut_m(current, luteven) # *** there is a bug here!!!
current = applylut_m(current, luteven) # *** there is a bug here!!! one of these should be using lutodd
return current # Output is result of final interation. Returns 'current' after no more changes occur
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