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Last active September 6, 2024 11:24
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Retrieve source code of a (short) lambda --
import ast
import inspect
import os
def get_short_lambda_source(lambda_func):
"""Return the source of a (short) lambda function.
If it's impossible to obtain, returns None.
source_lines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(lambda_func)
except (IOError, TypeError):
return None
# skip `def`-ed functions and long lambdas
if len(source_lines) != 1:
return None
source_text = os.linesep.join(source_lines).strip()
# find the AST node of a lambda definition
# so we can locate it in the source code
source_ast = ast.parse(source_text)
lambda_node = next((node for node in ast.walk(source_ast)
if isinstance(node, ast.Lambda)), None)
if lambda_node is None: # could be a single line `def fn(x): ...`
return None
# HACK: Since we can (and most likely will) get source lines
# where lambdas are just a part of bigger expressions, they will have
# some trailing junk after their definition.
# Unfortunately, AST nodes only keep their _starting_ offsets
# from the original source, so we have to determine the end ourselves.
# We do that by gradually shaving extra junk from after the definition.
lambda_text = source_text[lambda_node.col_offset:]
lambda_body_text = source_text[lambda_node.body.col_offset:]
min_length = len('lambda:_') # shortest possible lambda expression
while len(lambda_text) > min_length:
# What's annoying is that sometimes the junk even parses,
# but results in a *different* lambda. You'd probably have to
# be deliberately malicious to exploit it but here's one way:
# bloop = lambda x: False, lambda x: True
# get_short_lamnda_source(bloop[0])
# Ideally, we'd just keep shaving until we get the same code,
# but that most likely won't happen because we can't replicate
# the exact closure environment.
code = compile(lambda_body_text, '<unused filename>', 'eval')
# Thus the next best thing is to assume some divergence due
# to e.g. LOAD_GLOBAL in original code being LOAD_FAST in
# the one compiled above, or vice versa.
# But the resulting code should at least be the same *length*
# if otherwise the same operations are performed in it.
if len(code.co_code) == len(lambda_func.__code__.co_code):
return lambda_text
except SyntaxError:
lambda_text = lambda_text[:-1]
lambda_body_text = lambda_body_text[:-1]
return None
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Deathnerd commented Apr 22, 2016

Just when I think I know Python, someone comes along and uncovers another set of features and proceeds to blow my mind. Great article!

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