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Last active March 25, 2022 20:17
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connected2 anon nick & password generator
# include(CreateAnonNickPass.php) #
# CreateAnonNickPass::getAnonNickPassword(); #
class SecureRandomException extends Exception {
class CreateAnonNickPass
public static function bytes($byte_length = self::DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH)
if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($byte_length);
} else {
$openssl_path = exec("which openssl", $_trash);
if ($openssl_path == false) {
throw new SecureRandomException("OpenSSL not found.");
} else {
$fp = popen("$openssl_path rand $byte_length", "r");
if ($fp === false) {
throw new SecureRandomException("OpenSSL not available.");
} else {
$bytes = stream_get_contents($fp);
return $bytes;
public static function hex($byte_length = self::DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH)
return bin2hex(self::bytes($byte_length));
public static function base64($byte_length = self::DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH)
return base64_encode(self::bytes($byte_length));
public static function computeHash($text){
$hash_str = hash("sha256",$text,true);
$hash_bytes = unpack('C*', $hash_str);
$res ="";
return $res;
public static function getAnonNickFromPassword($passwd){
$hash_str = self::computeHash($passwd);
$nick = "anon-";
$nick .= substr($hash_str,0,15);
return $nick;
public static function getAnonNickPassword(){
$passwd = self::hex();
$nick = self::getAnonNickFromPassword($passwd);
return json_encode($array,true);
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