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Last active January 23, 2021 04:02
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Get a substring from an HTML string that includes HTML tags. Tags that are interrupted in the tag are removed, all others are auto-closed if necessary
// $start is option, but it will trim the HTML. Recommended to keep at 0 and use for start of strings only.
function substr_html( string $str, int $start = 0, int $end, array $replace_tags = array(), string $encoding = 'utf-8', bool $remove_body = true ){
$max = strlen($str);
$out = $last_caret = '';
for( $i = $characters = $gt = 0, $lt = -1; $characters < $end && $i < $max; $i++ ){
$char = $str[$i];
$entity = false;
if( $gt > $lt && $last_caret == '>' ){
if( ($char == '<' && !preg_match('/[a-zA-Z\/!]/',$str[$i+1])) || $char == '>' ){
$entity = true; $characters++;
if( !$entity ) $characters++;
if( !$entity ){
switch( $char ){
case '<': $last_caret = '<'; $lt = $i; break;
case '>': $last_caret = '>'; $gt = $i; $characters--; break;
if( $characters < $end )
$out .= ($entity) ? htmlentities($char) : $char;
if( ($characters == $end || $i == $max) )
$out .= '';
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML( "<?xml encoding=\"{$encoding}\" ?>" . $out, LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD );
$path = new \DOMXPath( $dom );
$body = $path->query( '/html/body' );
$html = $dom->saveHTML( $body->item(0) );
if( !empty( $replace_tags ) ){
foreach( $replace_tags as $replace => $with ){
$html = preg_replace( "/<(\/{0,1})$replace>/i", "<$1$with>", $html );
if( $remove_body )
$html = str_ireplace( array('<body>','</body>'), '', $html );
return $html;
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Xhynk commented Jan 23, 2021

Added exclamation into the caret check to allow for HTML comments to be skipped as well, since they're effectively ignorable and irrelevant to the character limit

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