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Created October 7, 2017 21:40
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; ;
; Created by : Youri Klaassens ;
; Date : 07 October, 2017 ;
; Description : Set LED while button pressed ;
; ;
#include <>
; ;
; Configuration bits ;
; ;
cblock 0x70
__delay ;Set alias 'delay' for file register 0x70.
org 0 ;Try to assemble at location 0x0000
banksel OSCCON ;Go to bank1
movlw b'00111000' ;Move bit pattern 00111000 into the working register (500 kHz internal oscillator)
movwf OSCCON ;Move the bit pattern in the working register into the OSCCON register
;No need to say 'move to bank TRISA' because TRISA is in the same RAM bank as OSCCON (bank1)
bsf TRISA, 2 ;Switch is attached to pin 17 (RA2). Bit 2 of TRISA register should be 1 (means input)
;No need to say 'move to bank TRISC' because TRISC is in the same RAM BANK as TRISA (bank1)
clrf TRISC ;Set all bits in the TRISC register to 0 (means output)
banksel ANSELA ;Go to bank3
bcf ANSELA, 2 ;Set bit ANSA2 of the ASELA register to 0 (means digital input)
banksel LATC ;Go to bank2
clrf LATC ;Set all C pins to logical LOW
banksel PORTA ;Go to bank0
btfss PORTA, 2 ;Check if the input on pin 17 (switch) is HIGH or LOW. NOTE: The circuit is active-low.
;While pressing the button, the microcontroller read a logic 0 as input.
;While leaving the button alone, the microcontroller read a logic 1 as input.
bra SETLED ;Go to label SETLED
bra CLEARLED ;Go to label CLEARLED
movlw b'01100100' ;Move decimal 100 into the working register
movwf __delay ;Move decimal 100 into common RAM (0x70)
decfsz __delay, 1 ;Decrement the value in location __delay by 1 (causes a 2,4 miliseconds delay)
;If 0, skip the next line.
goto $-1 ;Go 1 instruction back
banksel PORTA ;Go to bank0
btfsc PORTA, 2 ;Check if bit2 of the PORTA register is still 0.
;If 0, the user still holds the button.
;If 1, the user does not hold the button.
goto MAIN ;Go to label MAIN
banksel LATC ;Go to bank2
bsf LATC, 1 ;Set LED DS2 to logic HIGH
goto MAIN ;Go to label MAIN
banksel LATC ;Go to bank2
bcf LATC, 1 ;Set LED DS2 to logic LOW
goto MAIN ;Go to label MAIN
end ;We will never reach this
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