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Created February 15, 2017 17:39
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Testing throwing custom exceptions
# Generate a custom error without C#
function New-ErrorRecord ([string] $ErrorID, [string] $Message, [HashTable] $Custom)
$errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
$exception = New-Object Exception $Message
$errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $ErrorID, $errorCategory, $Custom
return $errorRecord
# Helper functions throw errors
function Do-Something
throw (New-ErrorRecord -ErrorID "MyModule.Friday" -Message "You probably shouldn't do this today.")
function Do-SomethingElse
throw (New-ErrorRecord -ErrorID "MyModule.Whoops" -Message "Well that sucked." -Custom @{Prefix = "Whoops"})
function Do-SomethingAweful
throw [System.Exception] "This should cause terminating error"
function Do-SomethingAweful2
throw "This should cause terminating error"
function Do-SomethingDifferent
throw [System.FormatException] "That format sucks :("
# Main function calls helpers and handles exceptions
function Main($helper)
. $helper
# More specific Exceptions must be caught first
catch [System.FormatException]
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
catch [System.Exception]
# List of my Custom Errors, If logic below to handle
$CustomErrors = @("MyModule.Friday","MyModule.Whoops")
# Rethrow if not one of my custom errors
if($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -notin $CustomErrors)
throw $_.Exception
# Custom Output
$message = $_.Exception.Message
$message = "{0}: {1}" -f $_.TargetObject.Prefix, $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Call contrived main function
Main Do-Something
Main Do-SomethingElse
Main Do-SomethingDifferent
Main Do-SomethingAweful
Main Do-SomethingAweful2
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