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Last active March 15, 2019 07:15
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Monkey2 Polygon Decomposition
Namespace polygonmath
#Import "<std>"
Using std..
#rem Decomposes counter-clockwise simple polygons into convex polygons in under-quadratic time.
@author Matrefeytontias
@engine HaxePunk
@license MIT
@translator Abe Noll
#Rem Decomposes a counter-clockwise simple polygon into convex polygons.
Function MakeConvex<T>:Stack<Stack<Vec2<T>>>( polygon:Stack<Vec2<T>> )
Local p:= New Stack<Vec2<T>>( polygon ) ' polygon pt list
Local r:= New Stack<Stack<Vec2<T>>> ' list of polygons
Local invalidVertices:= FindInvalid( p )
Local np:= p.Length
Local n:Int= invalidVertices.Length
While invalidVertices.Length>0
n = invalidVertices.Length
' Find the starting vertex ; it's any invalid vertex that has a valid vertex after it
' we know this exists because a polygon must have at least one valid vertex
Local startIndex:Int = 0
For Local i:=0 Until n
'if (n == 1 || (invalidVertices[i] + 1) % np != invalidVertices[(i + 1) % n])
If n=1 Or ((invalidVertices[i] + 1) Mod np )<>invalidVertices[(i + 1) Mod n] Then
startIndex = invalidVertices[i]
'After that, find the furthest valid point along the polygon that still forms a convex
'polygon when linked to the starting vertex, or the first invalid vertex.
'This is because by definition, the two edges that an invalid vertex is a part of cannot
'belong to the same one polygon.
Local startVertex:= p[startIndex]
Local firstEdge:= p[ (startIndex + 1) Mod np] - startVertex
Local found:= False, target:Int = 0
For Local i:=2 Until np
Local curIndex:= (startIndex + i) Mod np
Local curVertex:= p[curIndex]
' This vertex is invalid
If invalidVertices.FindIndex(curIndex)>-1 Then
found = True
target = curIndex
Elseif (startVertex - curVertex).OrthoR().Dot(firstEdge)< 0
' This vertex, If added, would turn the polygon from convex To concave.
' Thus, the correct vertex is the previous one
found = True
target = (startIndex + i - 1) Mod np
If found Then
' Extract vertices startIndex to "target" ; they make up a convex polygon
Local newPoly:= New Stack<Vec2<T>>, k:= startIndex
While True
If k=target Exit Else k = (k + 1) Mod np
r.Push( newPoly )
' Then, discard the vertices that were added to the resulting array, except the start and end
Local rem:= p.RemoveIf( Lambda:Bool( x:Vec2i )
Return Not (newPoly.FindIndex(x)=-1 Or x=startVertex Or x=p[target])
End )
np = p.Length
' Rearrange the indices in invalidVertices as well, since the contents of p will change
invalidVertices = FindInvalid( p )
If invalidVertices.Length=0 Then r.Push(p)
If r.Empty r.Push(polygon)
Return r
#Rem Find all invalid vertices, that is, vertices that form an invalid angle (> 180°)
Function FindInvalid<T>:IntStack( p:Stack<Vec2<T>> )
Local invalidVertices:=New IntStack
Local np:= p.Length
For Local VIndex:=0 Until np
Local currentV:= p[VIndex]
Local nextV:= p[ (VIndex + 1) Mod np]
Local nextNextV:= p[(VIndex + 2) Mod np]
Local currentEdge:= nextV - currentV
Local nextEdge:= nextNextV - nextV
If currentEdge.OrthoR().Dot( nextEdge ) < 0 Then
invalidVertices.Push( (VIndex + 1) Mod np)
Return invalidVertices
Struct Vec2<T> Extension
Method OrthoR:Vec2<T>()
Return New Vec2<T>(Self.y, -Self.x)
#Import "MakeConvex.monkey2"
Alias Poly:polygonmath
Function Main()
' Makes this shape.
' /\
' / \
' / \
' / \
' | /\ |
' | / \ |
' |/ \|
Local pointsA:=New Vec2i[](
New Vec2i(0,0),
New Vec2i(0,1),
New Vec2i(1,3),
New Vec2i(2,1),
New Vec2i(2,0),
New Vec2i(1,1) )
' Convert to stack
Local points:= New Stack<Vec2i>( pointsA )
' Basic printing function
Local printPoints:= ( Lambda(s:Stack<Vec2i>)
Local ps:= ""
For Local p:=Eachin s
ps += p.X + "," + p.Y + " --> "
Print ps + "~n"
End )
' Display the original point list
printPoints( points )
' Display the created groups
Local groups:=Poly.MakeConvex( points )
For Local poly:=Eachin groups
Print "group: "
printPoints( poly )
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