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Created August 20, 2015 02:22
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  • Save X1011/f23be62b6872554642d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save X1011/f23be62b6872554642d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GDriveFS modification time
unique: 2624, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 12239
getattr /
2015-08-19 21:37:21,305 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:21,305 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12239)
2015-08-19 21:37:21,305 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/]
2015-08-19 21:37:21,306 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12239)
unique: 2624, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2625, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 12239
access / 01
unique: 2625, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2626, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 12240
LOOKUP /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:21,308 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:21,308 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:21,308 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:21,309 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[myswap] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:21,309 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='myswap' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:21,326 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:21,557 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:21,558 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:21,558 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2626, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2627, opcode: CREATE (35), nodeid: 1, insize: 63, pid: 12240
create flags: 0x8041 /myswap 0100600 umask=0022
2015-08-19 21:37:21,558 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:21,558 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> create(8) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:21,558 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: mode= [33152] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:21,560 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Assigning file-handle (9).
2015-08-19 21:37:21,561 [ INFO] Creating entry with filename [myswap] under parent(s) [0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA] with mime-type [application/octet-stream]. MTIME=[2015-08-20T01:37:21.560759+00:00] ATIME=[2015-08-20T01:37:21.560759+00:00] DATA_FILEPATH=[None]
2015-08-19 21:37:21,563 [ DEBUG] Doing file-insert with:
{'body': {'labels': {'hidden': False},
'lastViewedByMeDate': '2015-08-20T01:37:21.560759+00:00',
'mimeType': 'application/octet-stream',
'modifiedDate': '2015-08-20T01:37:21.560759+00:00',
'parents': [{'id': u'0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA'}],
'title': u'myswap'}}
2015-08-19 21:37:21,575 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: POST
2015-08-19 21:37:22,527 [ INFO] New entry created with ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,527 [gdrivefs.gdfs.gdfuse INFO] Inner-create of [/myswap] completed.
2015-08-19 21:37:22,527 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file INFO] Opened-file object created for entry-ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] and path (/).
2015-08-19 21:37:22,527 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Ensuring local availability of [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>]: [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,527 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file INFO] Attempting local cache update of file [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] for entry [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>] and mime-type [application/octet-stream].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,528 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Executing the download: [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] => [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,528 [ INFO] Downloading entry with ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] and mime-type [application/octet-stream] to [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,528 [ INFO] File will be downloaded to [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,528 [gdrivefs.gdtool.chunked_download DEBUG] Attempting to read chunk. ATTEMPT=(1)/(1)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [gdrivefs.gdtool.chunked_download DEBUG] Received chunk of size (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [gdrivefs.gdtool.chunked_download WARNING] No 'content-range' found in response. Assuming that we've received all data.
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [gdrivefs.gdtool.chunked_download DEBUG] Checking if done. PROGRESS=(0) TOTAL-SIZE=(0)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [ DEBUG] Read chunk: STATUS=[<googleapiclient.http.MediaDownloadProgress object at 0x7fe373976410>] DONE=[True] TOTAL_SIZE=[0]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [ DEBUG] Chunk: PROGRESS=[<bound method MediaDownloadProgress.progress of <googleapiclient.http.MediaDownloadProgress object at 0x7fe373976410>>] TOTAL-SIZE=[0] RESUMABLE-PROGRESS=[0]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [ DEBUG] Download complete. Offset is: (0)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,698 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Established base file-data for [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>]: [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,699 [gdrivefs.gdfs.gdfuse DEBUG] Registering OpenedFile object with handle (9), path [/myswap], and ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,699 [gdrivefs.gdfs.gdfuse DEBUG] File created, opened, and completely registered.
2015-08-19 21:37:22,699 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< create(8) (12240)
create[9] flags: 0x8041 /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:22,700 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:22,700 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,700 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,700 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2627, success, outsize: 160
unique: 2628, opcode: GETXATTR (22), nodeid: 472, insize: 68, pid: 12240
getxattr /myswap security.capability 0
2015-08-19 21:37:22,700 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:22,701 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getxattr(26) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,701 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: path= [/myswap] name= [security.capability]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,702 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getxattr(26) (12240)
unique: 2628, success, outsize: 24
unique: 2629, opcode: WRITE (16), nodeid: 472, insize: 221, pid: 12240
write[9] 141 bytes to 0 flags: 0x8001
2015-08-19 21:37:22,704 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:22,704 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> write(11) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,704 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [9] offset= [0] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,704 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] OF: >>>>>>>>>> add_update(1) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,704 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: offset= [0]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,705 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Applying update for offset (0) and length (141).
2015-08-19 21:37:22,705 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] OF: <<<<<<<<<< add_update(1) (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,705 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< write(11) (12240)
write[9] 141 bytes to 0
unique: 2629, success, outsize: 24
unique: 2630, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 472, insize: 128, pid: 12240
truncate /myswap 141
2015-08-19 21:37:22,705 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:22,706 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> truncate(20) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:22,706 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: length= [141] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:22,706 [ INFO] Truncating entry [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:22,740 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: PUT
2015-08-19 21:37:23,753 [ DEBUG] Truncate complete: [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:23,754 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< truncate(20) (12240)
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:23,754 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:23,754 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:23,754 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:23,754 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2630, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2631, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2631, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2632, opcode: FLUSH (25), nodeid: 472, insize: 64, pid: 12240
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> flush(12) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [9] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] OF: >>>>>>>>>> flush(2) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Flushing opened-file.
2015-08-19 21:37:23,755 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Pushing (141) bytes for entry with ID from [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] to GD for file-path [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:23,756 [ INFO] Updating entry [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>].
2015-08-19 21:37:23,756 [ DEBUG] We'll be sending a file in the update: [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] [/tmp/tmpETNrYg/0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:23,756 [ DEBUG] Sending entry update: [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:23,768 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: PUT
2015-08-19 21:37:23,768 [ DEBUG] We need to finish updating the entry's data: [myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,764 [ DEBUG] Entry updated: [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,764 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Update successful. Updating local cache.
2015-08-19 21:37:24,764 [gdrivefs.cache.volume DEBUG] Recursively pruning entry with ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:24,765 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file INFO] Update complete on entry with ID [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU].
2015-08-19 21:37:24,765 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] OF: <<<<<<<<<< flush(2) (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,765 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< flush(12) (12240)
unique: 2632, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2633, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1682
getattr /
2015-08-19 21:37:24,765 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2633, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2634, opcode: RELEASE (18), nodeid: 472, insize: 64, pid: 0
release[9] flags: 0x8001
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> release(10) >>>>>>>>>> (0)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,766 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [9] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,767 [gdrivefs.gdfs.opened_file DEBUG] Closing opened-file with handle (9).
2015-08-19 21:37:24,767 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< release(10) (0)
unique: 2634, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2635, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 12240
LOOKUP /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:24,767 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:24,767 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,767 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,769 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2635, success, outsize: 144
unique: 2636, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:24,769 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:24,769 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,769 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,770 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,770 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:24,780 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:24,907 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:24,907 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:24,908 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2636, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2637, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 472, insize: 128, pid: 12240
utimens /myswap 1440034644.763107660 1436496479.603914802
2015-08-19 21:37:24,910 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:24,910 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> utimens(22) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:24,910 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: raw_path= [/myswap] times= [(1440034644.7631078, 1436496479.6039147)]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,910 [ INFO] Updating entry [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>].
2015-08-19 21:37:24,911 [ DEBUG] Sending entry update: [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU]
2015-08-19 21:37:24,921 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: PUT
2015-08-19 21:37:25,686 [ DEBUG] Entry updated: [<NORMAL ID= [0B18ofr1i46T3V0l4d0t0WkZJRUU] MIME= [application/octet-stream] NAME= [myswap] URIS= (1)>]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,686 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< utimens(22) (12240)
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:25,686 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,686 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,686 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,687 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2637, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2638, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:25,687 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,687 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,687 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,688 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,688 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:25,699 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:25,844 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:25,844 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:25,844 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2638, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2639, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 472, insize: 128, pid: 12240
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> chmod(14) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: mode= [33184] filepath= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< chmod(14) (12240)
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12240)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,845 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,846 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12240)
unique: 2639, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2640, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2640, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2641, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:25,846 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,846 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,846 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2641, success, outsize: 144
unique: 2642, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.hidden
getattr /.hidden
2015-08-19 21:37:25,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:25,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:25,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.hidden]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,847 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.hidden] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:25,848 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.hidden' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:25,859 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,005 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,006 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,006 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2642, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2643, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2643, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2644, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2644, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2645, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2645, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2646, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1682
getattr /
2015-08-19 21:37:26,006 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,007 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,007 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,007 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2646, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2647, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2647, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2648, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:26,007 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,008 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,008 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,008 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,008 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,020 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,164 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,165 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,165 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2648, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2649, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:26,165 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,165 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,165 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,166 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,166 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,177 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,322 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,322 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,322 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2649, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2650, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2650, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2651, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2651, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2652, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2652, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2653, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2653, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2654, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2654, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2655, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:26,323 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,323 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,323 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,324 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,324 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,336 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,467 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,467 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2655, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2656, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,468 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,482 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,639 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,639 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,640 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2656, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2657, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2657, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2658, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2658, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2659, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2659, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2660, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2660, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2661, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2661, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2662, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:26,640 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,641 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,641 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,641 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,641 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,653 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,802 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,802 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,802 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2662, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2663, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:26,802 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,803 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,803 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,803 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,803 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,815 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:26,961 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:26,962 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:26,962 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2663, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2664, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2664, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2665, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:37:26,962 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,962 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,962 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,963 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2665, success, outsize: 144
unique: 2666, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2666, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2667, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2667, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2668, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2668, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2669, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2669, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2670, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:26,964 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:26,964 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:26,964 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,964 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:26,964 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:26,976 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:27,131 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:27,131 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:27,132 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2670, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2671, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:27,132 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:27,132 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:27,132 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,132 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,133 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:27,145 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:27,284 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:27,284 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:27,285 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2671, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2672, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2672, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2673, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2673, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2674, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2674, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2675, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2675, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2676, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 1682
getattr /
2015-08-19 21:37:27,285 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:27,285 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:27,286 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,286 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2676, success, outsize: 120
unique: 2677, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2677, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2678, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash
getattr /.Trash
2015-08-19 21:37:27,287 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:27,287 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:27,287 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,287 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,288 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:27,299 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:27,431 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:27,432 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:27,432 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2678, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2679, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 1682
LOOKUP /.Trash-1000
getattr /.Trash-1000
2015-08-19 21:37:27,432 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:37:27,432 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (1682)
2015-08-19 21:37:27,432 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/.Trash-1000]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,433 [ INFO] Listing all files. CONTAINS=[<none>] IS=[.Trash-1000] PARENT_ID=[0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA]
2015-08-19 21:37:27,433 [ DEBUG] Doing request for listing of files with page-token [None] and page-number (0): '0AF8ofr1i46T3Uk9PVA' in parents and title='.Trash-1000' and trashed = false
2015-08-19 21:37:27,443 [googleapiclient.discovery INFO] URL being requested: GET
2015-08-19 21:37:27,594 [ DEBUG] (0) entries were presented for page-number (0).
2015-08-19 21:37:27,594 [ DEBUG] No more pages in file listing.
2015-08-19 21:37:27,594 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (1682)
unique: 2679, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 2680, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access / 02
unique: 2680, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2681, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 04
unique: 2681, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2682, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 02
unique: 2682, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2683, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 472, insize: 48, pid: 1682
access /myswap 01
unique: 2683, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2684, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47, pid: 12492
LOOKUP /myswap
getattr /myswap
2015-08-19 21:39:54,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:39:54,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getattr(4) >>>>>>>>>> (12492)
2015-08-19 21:39:54,847 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: fh= [None] raw_path= [/myswap]
2015-08-19 21:39:54,848 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getattr(4) (12492)
unique: 2684, success, outsize: 144
unique: 2685, opcode: GETXATTR (22), nodeid: 472, insize: 68, pid: 12492
getxattr /myswap security.capability 20
2015-08-19 21:39:54,848 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:39:54,848 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getxattr(26) >>>>>>>>>> (12492)
2015-08-19 21:39:54,848 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: path= [/myswap] name= [security.capability]
2015-08-19 21:39:54,853 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getxattr(26) (12492)
unique: 2685, success, outsize: 16
unique: 2686, opcode: GETXATTR (22), nodeid: 472, insize: 72, pid: 12492
getxattr /myswap system.posix_acl_access 0
2015-08-19 21:39:54,853 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------
2015-08-19 21:39:54,855 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] >>>>>>>>>> getxattr(26) >>>>>>>>>> (12492)
2015-08-19 21:39:54,855 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] DATA: path= [/myswap] name= [system.posix_acl_access]
2015-08-19 21:39:54,855 [gdrivefs.gdfs.fsutility DEBUG] <<<<<<<<<< getxattr(26) (12492)
unique: 2686, success, outsize: 24
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