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Signal Server Installation v1.88 Full Guide

# Requirements

  • Java 11
  • Maven
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL

# Cloning the repository

Run the following commands:

$ git clone [](

$ cd Signal-Server

$ git checkout 15cf010e449e61d06fed1387abd01d64c5e6ea82

Note: The commit hash specified in the checkout command is the v1.88 version of the source.

# Installing Java 11 on Ubuntu

The original required version of Java for Signal is Java 8, however the PPA for this version has been discontinued. We can install and use Java 11 however there are issues when this version of Java is used for Signal.

You can install Java 11 on Ubuntu by following the steps specified in this page:

# Compiling Signal from Source

In order to compile the source, you need to install Maven by following the steps specified in this page:

After successfully installing Maven, you can start compiling the source by running the following command:

$ mvn install -DskipTests		

When the compilation is successful, a folder named **target **should exist and contains the jar files inside especially the file TextSecureServer-1.88.jar. If this file doesn’t exist, it means that the compilation was unsuccessful.

# Installing Redis

To install Redis, just follow the steps specified in this page:

# Installing PostgreSQL

To install PostgreSQL, just follow the steps specified in this page:

After installing PostgreSQL, you need to create two separate databases, you can just name them accountdb and messagedb for convention, but you can name them anything as long as you know which is which.

# Configuration

You can find a sample configuration file at config/sample.yml. You can create a copy of this file with a different filename.

Here is a sample configuration file with the correct format of values.

**twilio**: _# Twilio gateway configuration_

_ **accountId**_: test

 **accountToken**: test

 **numbers**: _# Numbers allocated in Twilio_

_   _- +181591234567


 **localDomain**: _# Domain Twilio can connect back to for calls. Should be domain of your service._


 **queueSize**: 10 _# Size of push pending queue_


_#  authKey: # Deprecated_

**turn**: _# TURN server configuration_

_ **secret**_: test _# TURN server secret_

_ **uris**_:

   - turn:

**cache**: _# Redis server configuration for cache cluster_

_ **url**_: redis://


   - redis://

**directory**: _# Redis server configuration for directory cluster_

_ **url**_: redis://


   - redis://

**messageCache**: _# Redis server configuration for message store cache_

_ **redis**_: {**url**: "redis://localhost:6379/5", **replicaUrls**: ["redis://localhost:6379/6"]}

 **cacheRate**: 1

 **persistDelayMinutes**: 10

**messageStore**: _# Postgresql database configuration for message store_

_ **driverClass**_: org.postgresql.Driver

 **user**: example

 **password**: 12345678

 **url**: jdbc:postgresql://

**attachments**: _# AWS S3 configuration_

_ **accessKey**_: test

 **accessSecret**: test


**profiles**: _# AWS S3 configuration_

_ **accessKey**_: test

 **accessSecret**: test


 **region**: us-east-2

**database**: _# Postgresql database configuration_

_ **driverClass**_: org.postgresql.Driver

 **user**: example

 **password**: 12345678

 **url**: jdbc:postgresql://


 **bundleId**: com.exampleapp.example3

 **pushCertificate**: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nHewPc93srGXfyrvW7SeQs+93vZ7WlntfihY7WCoUbEOnHso=\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

 **pushKey**: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\r\nNDtK8x/8+SOdk5HAGNHDoMqVbgZ2NpeOIGxzoZUCCK4f1j1CZbeEIio=\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"


 **senderId**: 90077701463

 **apiKey**: AIzaSyAHNIwGE0yKG9QnDZQMcziNAF-0zliXOtH


 **url**: redis://localhost:6379/7


 - redis://localhost:6379/8

# Extracting Push Certificate and Push Private Key

The configuration file requires you to include the string contents of the certificate and private key which can be extracted from the .p12 file.

To extract the certificate, just run the comment below:

$ openssl pkcs12 -in example.p12 -out example.crt.pem -clcerts -nokeys -passin 'pass:XXXXXXXX'

The example.p12 is the path to the .p12 file.

The example.crt.pem is the outfile filename.

Replace XXXXXXXX with the password of the file.

To extract the certificate, just run the comment below:

$ openssl pkcs12 -in example.p12 -nocerts -nodes -passin 'pass:XXXXXXXX'' | openssl rsa -out example.rsa.key.pem

The example.p12 is the path to the .p12 file.

The example.rsa.key.pem is the outfile filename.

Replace XXXXXXXX with the password of the file.

On each file, the contents are separated by a new line character, since the configuration file only accepts a single line string for the pushCertificate and pushKey, you need to replace the new line character with \r\n just like in the sample configuration above. This is important to avoid errors.

# Running Migrations

Before you start running the server, you need to run the following commands to create the necessary tables used by Signal.

$ java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-1.88.jar  messagedb migrate  config/Signal.yml

$ java -jar servive/target/TextSecureServer-1.88.jar  accountdb migrate  config/Signal.yml

Note: Replace the Signal.yml with the correct filename of your configuration file.

# Starting the Server

You can start the server by running the command below:

$ java -jar target/TextSecureServer-1.88.jar  server config/Signal.yml

Note: Replace the Signal.yml with the correct filename of your configuration file.

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Is there any recommend android or ios app version ?

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sfzgzs commented May 8, 2020

  1. I followed the steps above, but I couldn't find any .p12 files mentioned in "Extracting Push Certificate and Push Private Key" section. What (and where) is that supposed to be?

  2. Skipping the section "Extracting Push Certificate and Push Private Key", I followed the sections "Running Migrations" and "Starting the Server", but, As I run the last command "java -jar Blah Blah", I get this message:
    "no main manifest attribute, in ./service/target/original-TextSecureServer-2.92.jar"
    What do you think the problem might be?

(I need to mention that I'm using the version 2.92 of the TextSecureServer, I hope there is no different between mine and the 1.88 version in setting them up!)

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Heyy guys,
I need the latest version 2.92 installation guide, can anyone please help me with this.
or the above guide is sufficient?

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sfzgzs commented May 16, 2020

Heyy guys,
I need the latest version 2.92 installation guide, can anyone please help me with this.
or the above guide is sufficient?

Hi! please let me know when you find one! I need the same installation guide :)

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Hi mate, Is it possible to run the server without AWS S3?? If yes, how do i do?

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afyfe commented Jan 28, 2021

hey, has anyone actually got this working ?

Is this now an abandoned project ?

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any updates on v6 Server ?

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Osamak0 commented Jan 18, 2022

any update on v7 server?

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I'm sorry if I can't help you anymore guys. I've already stopped using Signal years ago and haven't had tried the newer versions.

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@WisdomSky so what do you use?

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abhi833 commented May 5, 2023

  1. I followed the steps above, but I couldn't find any .p12 files mentioned in "Extracting Push Certificate and Push Private Key" section. What (and where) is that supposed to be?
  2. Skipping the section "Extracting Push Certificate and Push Private Key", I followed the sections "Running Migrations" and "Starting the Server", but, As I run the last command "java -jar Blah Blah", I get this message:
    "no main manifest attribute, in ./service/target/original-TextSecureServer-2.92.jar"
    What do you think the problem might be?

(I need to mention that I'm using the version 2.92 of the TextSecureServer, I hope there is no different between mine and the 1.88 version in setting them up!)

Hey have you resolved this? I am also confused about this .p12 file? Where do i find it?

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Can u install for me?

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